Rant: Hit and run


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Jersey's here
I fucking hate cock suckers that do shit like this. I hope he rots in fucking hell. Dude was driving a honda of some sort doing like 35 hit me and bounced fucked my bumper up. Not the supra my DD blazer.


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I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I feel yah...

My Supra's got 2 new large dents in the one straight front fender I had, and my fiance's new(ish) neon has a nice large dent in the side (2 dents in one spot) all from assholes in parking lots.

Not a good day when you walk out to go to lunch from work and have a huge dent in your car...


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ try this w/ an sti. I would have much rather them hit my Supra.

seen it happen, got the guys plate #, not a damn thing has been done about it.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
It's no that they are busy eating doughnuts, thats a bullshit rarely punishable offense, its a felony leaving the scene assuming it occurs on a Hwy, County Road, or interstate or city street. Parking lots constitute private property, and many states have a no fault legislation for such places.

It's a suck ass deal, and I hate people who do it. The big problem is our society lacks any consideration or respect for other people and others property. If you want an education, go work for a county or city E-911 center, dispatch center, or go be a cop. Things are different once you see how things really are, most agencies are underfunded, undermanned and have so many calls per shift they rarely spend effort on a case that more than likely will be thrown out of court by a crafty defense attorney or shitty judge (we have a ton).

I can't tell you how many 911 calls I get on possibly drunk people, CNI drivers, or speeders on the interstate, when the county of a 100+ square miles has one two, sometimes 3 or 4 deputies on and your busy with wrecks, domestics, shootings, and EMS support you can't go 110 to catch every possible bad driver (I realize these are different situations, this is an example). Highway patrols are under similar circumstances and normally have very little 10-8 (free patrol roaming) time in a shift.

Even worse there are lots of people who crank 911, make false reports, and call in things incorrectly making it difficult to do much of anything sometimes. My suggestion is too be aggressivley cautious while driving, park away from vehicles in a parking lot, sure you may have to walk but whats a few extra steps compared to 1200+ dollars in body work. People need to bring back things like respect, consideration, and compassion if everyone of us tries to live a little better others may just catch on.

I am not trying to be a dick, but from my point of view I really wanted to share at least some of it with you, not for sympathy merely to enlighten you with a little "inside" knowledge.

Good luck
Will S.
Future Fuzz / current E-911 Dispatcher/operator


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ I completely understand that... I know my $400 bumper fix is nothing next to a triple homocide or w/e, but c'mon... I did the investigating for them when I got the plate number.

This was caused by me parking away from vehicles and some dickhole in a flatbed turning his truck around beside my car. So.... Park next to ppl? lol


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Even with the plate number theres variables in court system, you have to prove the identity of the driver or responsible party IE company etc. Second it happened in a parking lot aka private property, most states have no fault legislatures or statutes against prosecuting someone in a parking lot accident situation. On some rare occasions people act responsibly, but not many times.

Good you parked away from people, but then something like a flatbed decides its turning around. Most over the road truckers and commercial drivers these days suck, many are foreigners, alcoholics or drug abuser types and most of our hit and runs involve rigs or some form of commercial vehicle.

Sorry about your situation, my mom had an old man back into her at a wal-mart / target shopping center, he didnt flee but he only paid for 300 of the 1500 in damage, so her paints screwed but the fenders not caved now


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
idk how cops are over there, but in CA, local police (city cops) are lame. County Sheriff's are FTW. a local cop's quota = tickets written. County Sheriff's quota = people arrested.

if that happened to me, I have buddies here in the Sheriff Dept. so as long as i have the license plate, they will catch the guy :evil2: and he will be punished to the extent of the law. i hate people who hit & run

EDIT: my buddy got rear ended in his 300zx last week. he put his hazards on and proceded to pull over when the guy in the van took off.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Jersey's here
I was parked outside work on a public street. Guy hit me, i heard the noise went outside and seen him slow down then speed away. It was like an old prelude or somthing. He fucked his car up. I work like 1500ft from the turnpike entrance so he got on and was out. I didn't get a plate number and the cops didn't show until 2 hours after it happened, disbatcher told me they were real busy and would be a while before they got there...

EMAN right up the block from you on avenue e


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
Someone door dinged my rear view mirror on my black supra with their white car.. I knew who did it, and told the hotel I was at.. they called the people and said "either you go get her her touch up paint, or we'll call the city police".. by god, they took me straight to a toyota dealership and paid the people to cover up the white paint..


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I park away from people as well, but we have had at least 4 cars get hit, all employees, and the paint transfer looks the same...

We think it's someone actually doing it intentionally, but the cops don't care...

Our city has CRAZY funds with new Dodge Chargers and when you get pulled over it's usually 3 cops that are on the side of the road with you. But they want to get more funds, so they run around writing tickets for stupid stuff (like me getting pulled over for no front license plate...when it was actually on)

Toyota h8r

Formerly KILLERMK3
Jan 24, 2006
Sylvania ohio
killarb634;898530 said:
I fucking hate cock suckers that do shit like this. I hope he rots in fucking hell. Dude was driving a honda of some sort doing like 35 hit me and bounced fucked my bumper up. Not the supra my DD blazer.
crap that sucks man! i dont care if you believe in it or not..........but karma has its way of working out........


The Pretty Doward
Jan 25, 2008
Alachua, FL
I had a Mazda Miata that seemed to be a rolling target...I had the car for almost exactly 1 year, and was hit 3 times within 8 months. The first time was in the middle of a turn lane, lady in front of me had a huge white Ford F-250 work truck, didn't see me behind her, and backed the rear bumper up on TOP of my hood....she admitted she was at fault though, so they paid for everything, including my screwed up tendons in my knees.

The second and third times that I was hit were both in parking lots, within 8 weeks of each other. The first one was a really busy restaurant parking lot, guy on my driver's side backed out, and took out the panel above my rear tire...didn't leave a note or anything on my car, and the dent was deep enough that I could SIT in it. Got everything fixed, paid my deductible, and 5 weeks later (as well as being the day before my birthday) I got nailed in the parking lot of the mall....where I had parked at the end of a row, with no cars around, to try to avoid the hit-and-run from happening again. This time they took out the whole passenger side front of my car...headlight, everything. Once again, paid the deductible, got everything fixed, and traded the damned car in the day after I got it back.

**I don't have any pics of the last time I was hit, but this is the dent I had from the first hit-and-run. :(


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Noob..but not incompetent
Feb 23, 2007
killarb634;899377 said:
EMAN right up the block from you on avenue e

Damn. Right outside your work. Ill keep an eye out for an old prelude with damage once i get home.