I was cruising thru the back of Livermore, and some AMG pulls up next to me. he guns it from the light and chirps the tires a little up top...
I’m kind of taken back... this guys driving full throtle thru livermore...
next light... he slams on it again, spinnin his tires more... then once he gets like 100 feet from me... on come the hazzards...
This guy in a Mercedes just flashed his hazards at me... THAT’S the limit.
next light...
I gas it... spin them lightly thru first... hit second... spin thru second... he's WAY back there... i slow down cause of trafic.. he does a ricer flyby and makes an immediate right... lol...
I’m kind of taken back... this guys driving full throtle thru livermore...
next light... he slams on it again, spinnin his tires more... then once he gets like 100 feet from me... on come the hazzards...
This guy in a Mercedes just flashed his hazards at me... THAT’S the limit.
next light...
I gas it... spin them lightly thru first... hit second... spin thru second... he's WAY back there... i slow down cause of trafic.. he does a ricer flyby and makes an immediate right... lol...