Basicly I have a Blow head Gasket. A few of my friends say that I should get a HKS or other type of Metal Head Gasket. But I do not have alot of money and was wondering if there were any other cheaper but effective solutions to my problem. I am not gonna go over 400hp, no turbo upgrades. Just a few small bolt on's here and there down the road, to give my car some more life. Maybe raise the PSI level a lil bit, some hard piping, intake, fuel, suspension, ect... What should I do....or what would be the best way for me to go and not spend alot of money. I know ARP head bolt are a must, but not really sure if I want to spend the 120-140$ on a metal one if there is a cheaper just as an effective way of doing it?? Please if you could let me know what to do and where to get the parts and how much I would spend. :1zhelp: Thanks for your guy's time. :icon_bigg