Quick brake lines question! (+)

Mr. Y

New Member
Mar 31, 2005
80 miles away from Kremlin
Hi, men!
My front stock brake lines are not so good, so I decided to go with SS lines.
Our local goodridge dealer sells components (lines, fittings, etc), but I have to know, what thread are there?

On caliper side, there is banjo bolt, but what size (hole diameter)?
On hard line side, it is female, but what size? (thread parameters - diameter and step).

I can measure it myself, but then I should bleed the system (with helper to find), and I wanna keep car going...
If someone have spare stock front brake hose - please measure it.


New Member
Jul 16, 2005
Clarksburg, MD
just call the national goodridge order line and they should be able to give you the specs... i would be careful if you plan on assembling them yourself, tho, as i've heard if you get any kind of dirt or anything in there, they can burst. also i believe you need some type of machine to do the fitting/SS hose connection properly, crimping it is a bad idea. my goodridge ones wereh sleeved, not crimped.

Mr. Y

New Member
Mar 31, 2005
80 miles away from Kremlin
Well, if anybody is interested in....
1). Many people (at Russia at least) use custom assembled brake lines with reusable fittings without any problems.
2). I just finished assembling and installing my lines. I'm very impressed. Pedal feel is great, looks like car begins braking before I press the pedal =)
3). If you dare to assemble your own lines, you need:
- 2.3m (aprox 7.6ft)
- four female fittings with M10x1 thread
- two long male fittings with M10x1 thread (rear brakes)
- two (20 degrees) banjo fittings with 10mm holes (front brakes)
- four copper shims (10mm holes)