I have been complaining on here a little about my ddp causing my car to hit fuelcut. A guy I met today at a parts store came over to look at my car. I took him for a ride down the road in it to see if he could answer a couple of questions. My car whistles when you take off, even taking off very slow. He saids that my wastegate is open and therefore it's letting air go through the divorced pipe. Sounded good to me. He also said that my wastegate is getting stuck open and that's why it doesn't feel like I'm getting very much boost even though I'm reading about fourthteen pounds. He has an Mr2 with 18psi, and he said that he had the same problem a while back. He took his ddp off and said you could see whrere the wastegate was getting hung on the dp. He took a dremel tool and bored the hole out bigger and hasn't had the problem again. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does it sound feasible? Thanks alot.
P.S. His MR2 is running 7.2's in an 1/8 at 96mph and 11.2 in a quarter. I haven't seen any timeslips, but that's what he told me. Believe it or not..............lol
P.S. His MR2 is running 7.2's in an 1/8 at 96mph and 11.2 in a quarter. I haven't seen any timeslips, but that's what he told me. Believe it or not..............lol