(Toulene octane)(# of gallons)+(pump gas octane)(# of gallons), then divide by total number of gallons, in which case is 18.5 gallons for the Mkiii, so five gallons of toulene mixed with 93 will equal about a 99.3 octane rating. (Or, 1.2 gallons of toulene + 3.8 gallons of 93 will equal about 99.3 octane, and is 30% toulene.)
Toulene has RON+MON/2 of 118, so when you average it out with pump gas, this is how you obtain the final octane rating.
Pump gas has 9% toulene by volume, and 8% xylene. Race gas has 27% toulene and 1% xylene.
Pump93/Toulene ratio----Gallons----------Octane
It's dangerous to your fuel system to use more than a 30% toulene mix. Why? I forgot... lol, sue me. Just dont do it!
Make sure to add lubricant when using toulene. Marvel mystery oil comes into play here.
55 gallon drums of toulene, can be had for $246+ shipping from "Star Bronze Company Inc." ...last I knew. Or, can be bought at your local paint store, but make sure they have "pure" toulene, not paint thinner.
Edit: Searched and couldn't find any info on this, so I figured I would post the info I had for anybody who wants to up their boost some more!
Oh yeah, and Toulene(Pure) is 114 octane.
Edit2 Eh, so the ratios aren't lined up perfect, I'm tired of trying to edit them!
Toulene has RON+MON/2 of 118, so when you average it out with pump gas, this is how you obtain the final octane rating.
Pump gas has 9% toulene by volume, and 8% xylene. Race gas has 27% toulene and 1% xylene.
Pump93/Toulene ratio----Gallons----------Octane
It's dangerous to your fuel system to use more than a 30% toulene mix. Why? I forgot... lol, sue me. Just dont do it!
Make sure to add lubricant when using toulene. Marvel mystery oil comes into play here.
55 gallon drums of toulene, can be had for $246+ shipping from "Star Bronze Company Inc." ...last I knew. Or, can be bought at your local paint store, but make sure they have "pure" toulene, not paint thinner.
Edit: Searched and couldn't find any info on this, so I figured I would post the info I had for anybody who wants to up their boost some more!
Oh yeah, and Toulene(Pure) is 114 octane.
Edit2 Eh, so the ratios aren't lined up perfect, I'm tired of trying to edit them!
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