pully cover

Dec 5, 2005
Gday guys.Ive just rebuilt a 7mgte.When i put the motor together i forgot to get the timing cover decked with the block and ive put the head back on the block with out the timing cover on as i did not rearlise as im learning.What i would like to no if i get the timing cover decked can i slide it on with out taking the head back of any advise would be great thank you jason


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
You put the head on the block without the rear cover or the front cover?
The rear cover(the one that shoulda been decked) HAS to be on the engine to run it. Just wanted to clarify that.
As for removing it, machining, then reinstalling, it might be possible with the head on, if it was loosened WAY up, but even then i'm not sure, and it would probably fu@# up the gasket. Short of returning the engine to the machine shop, Remove the head, bolt up the rear cover, measure the amount of 'step' that needs to come off the timing cover,and have the machine shop mill down the cover. Crummy situation any way you look at it.

Another MkIII

Feb 22, 2009
Yes you can have the timing case milled separately, make sure the same amount is milled from each. I had to do that as I didn't realize they needed to be machined together. However, you need to have the head off to properly seal the head gasket. Having said all of that, I do not recommend having them machined separately. While I have not had problems, it does create another item on a list of hundreds of things that can go wrong with a 7M.