problems wit 7m


New Member
Sep 28, 2006
:1zhelp: yo guys i have a big problem.for 1 my block is bored .50 overs wit an upgraded turbo now the problem is i cant drive the car with out it bucking.It cant even go past 3000 rpm i cant tell u wats the problem and why its happening. askin 4 some help guys and i dont think i have a boost leak cause my gauge is at -20:1zhelp:
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New Member
Apr 6, 2005
check for a boost leak, your tps, the normal stuff man....this has been covered alot over and over again. Search and im sure you will find MANY possibilities and answers that will help solve your problem. Start with the basics and go from there.

It would also help us to know what you have checked already so we can rule things out


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
ugh why do i bother sometimes

that took all of 10 seconds.
please search for yourself next time.

also im willing to bet its either, spark plugs gapped incorrectly, BOOST LEAK!!!!!!!!, timing, or you can just pull your codes and let us know for sure if its something more technical

+1 for me


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
Man when you are THAT lazy, noone wants to help you. If you can't find the answers on your own, then how in hell are you going to properly maintain a Supra?!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language

Most of us have found by experience that people who are careless and sloppy writers are usually (there are exceptions) careless and sloppy at thinking and working on cars. Answering questions for careless and sloppy thinkers is not rewarding; we'd rather spend our time elsewhere.

So expressing your question clearly and well is important. If you can't be bothered to do that, we can't be bothered to pay attention. Spend the extra effort to polish your language. It doesn't have to be stiff or formal in fact, the car culture values informal, slangy and humorous language used with precision. But it has to be precise; there has to be some indication that you're thinking and paying attention.

Spell, punctuate, and capitalize correctly. Don't confuse "its" with "it's", "loose" with "lose", or "they're" with "there". Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS; this is read as shouting and considered rude. (All lowercase is only slightly less annoying, as it's difficult to read.)

More generally, if you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored. Writing like a l33t script kiddie hax0r or a gangsta from the ghetto is the absolute kiss of death with us and guarantees you will receive nothing but stony silence (or, at best, a heaping helping of scorn and sarcasm) in return.

If you are asking questions on our forum and English is not your native language, you will get a limited amount of slack for spelling and grammar errors - but no extra slack at all for laziness (and yes, we can usually spot that difference). Write in English. We will flush questions in languages that the bulk of our users don't understand, and English is the working language of the Internet. By writing in English you minimize your chances that your question will be discarded unread.

That text above was taken from this larger post:

You should probably read it if you ever want anyone who knows anything worthwhile to respond to your posts.

Just in case you don't speak English, I'll translate it into idiot for you:

yo you gots a big problem. for 1 u speel so bad that mutherfukers aint payin attention. wit stupid stuff on the screen cant nobody help u. i cant tell u wats you gots wrong if you askin 4 some help in soopid. guys and i dont think you be worth da time it takes to help you. Check me fool?


Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
Supracentral said:
yo you gots a big problem. for 1 u speel so bad that mutherfukers aint payin attention. wit stupid stuff on the screen cant nobody help u. i cant tell u wats you gots wrong if you askin 4 some help in soopid. guys and i dont think you be worth da time it takes to help you. Check me fool?

Holla back Boi!


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
Supracentral said:
Just in case you don't speak English, I'll translate it into idiot for you:

yo you gots a big problem. for 1 u speel so bad that mutherfukers aint payin attention. wit stupid stuff on the screen cant nobody help u. i cant tell u wats you gots wrong if you askin 4 some help in soopid. guys and i dont think you be worth da time it takes to help you. Check me fool?


Rofl, that's goin in my sig, I hope you don't mind!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
jetjock said:
Lol! I feel the same way but since the guy is from Brooklyn I figured it was normal ;)

*I* am from Brooklyn!

(Well originally anyway...)

I grew up in NYC.

I spent the first 25 years of my life in the NY Metro area.

And I somehow managed to learn to speak English...

Nope, sorry, that excuse isn't going to cut it. :D


On a serious note. I really don't like having to bet that much of an asshole, but Jesus folks, put a LITTLE effort into it please...