Power Steering Noise

Roger UK

Jun 20, 2010
I have just started getting an awful squeeling noise when I turn the the Steering Wheel from side to side.

You can also hear a noise from the Power Steering Pump when the engine is ticking over (2JZ-GE)

The fluid level is OK . . . but it is very frothy !

I presume I need a new Power Steering pump?


Feb 28, 2013
Tampa Bay Area
It sounds like air is getting in the system. Do you have any leaks? Try jacking up the front wheels and moving them manually from lock to lock to bleed. Check the fluid level at that point to see if it's low. You can also get a squealing sound if you're running the engine and you hit the lock on either side. Try not to force it beyond were the steering wheel stops. You could also try flushing the system with new power steering fluid by disconnecting the low-pressure return hose at the rack, attach a short draining hose, and slowly move the jacked up front wheels lock to lock to drain out what's in there, then reconnect the hose and refill it with fresh fluid. Again move the wheel side to side to bleed it and check the reservoir level. Start the engine and check it again. Consult your owners manual for the proper power steering fluid to use. In a MK3 Supra it's Dextron II / III transmission fluid.
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Roger UK

Jun 20, 2010
Thanks again for replying Bru . . .
Yes this is in my Mk3 . . . but I fitted a 2JZ-GE from a Mk4 Supra about 10 years ago. (so it has the pump with the reservoir attached)
Going lock to lock doesn't get rid of the noise, in fact I have never known such a loud squeeling noise !
And as I say, even with the engine just ticking over, it's squeeling like mad.

Would air getting in really make that much noise, do you think? Or shall I just get a new pump (about $100 over here)

And yes I use Dextron III - presume the Mk4 Pumps use the same fluid? (I even kept the PAS Cooler in line when fitting the new engine)