Power Steering Leak or an Oil Leak?


New Member
Jun 11, 2005
Memphis, TN
The other night a friend and I were out in my 89 turbo, and being the idiot that I am i accidentaly went to full steering lock mid donut. When the smoke cleared there was a rather unpleasant whine from the power steering pump and a noticable vibration (possibley cavitation from excessive heat?). The problem cleared itself up however exept for now there is always a tiny spot of oil under my car when I park it overnight. I have instpected the leak extensivly and have found the steering pump and surrounding components to be damp with some sort of oil. I can not tell if the oil is steering fluid o just oil from an old engine oil leak. Is there a common place for mkIII's to leak steering fluid from? And also what are some suggestions to remedy the probem, perhaps I should just forget it and do the 1JZ swap I have been dreamin up :p Any help is aprecciated and thanks for your time.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
hah! thats a new one, fix an oil leak by doing an engine swap.......

power steering fluid (ATF) is usually kind of redish? stick your finger in your PS resevior and smell it and try to "feel" it. see if the spot on the ground "feels" the same way, smells the same.


New Member
Jun 11, 2005
Memphis, TN
Yeah I did that and noticed the redish color, but I thought that might have just been from the ground or what not. So I'm pretty sure it's steering fluid so where do you guys think it is leaking from? The pump itself or a line? Or maybe even the rack itself? Is there any common place for the fluid to leak? And lastly am I in danger of burning up the pump if I continue to drive the car daily before fixing the problem? Any feedback is aprecciated (I really need to learn how to spell that word). Thanks.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
I guess the hoses coming off the reservoir are a common source of leaks.

You'll be fine if you don't fix it right away, other than the ugly fluid spots. Just keep it fed -- PS fluid lubricates your rack.

(Hint: when you add fluid, leave the cap off after you pour the fluid in and turn the wheel lock-to-lock a couple of times. This will bleed the air from your lines.)


New Member
Jun 11, 2005
Memphis, TN
Ok cool thanks a lot for the help. I have a bunch of suspension stuff coming in tomorrow so when I have the car on jackstands I'll check the lines and everything around the pump etc...


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Houston, TX
My 87T had a PS fluid leak in the high pressure line right next to the PS pump. The whole pump was wet due to the effect. I had my buddy hold the steering wheel turned all the way to one end, and I looked real hard around the high pressure PS hose.. and found the small leak.. remedy - had to replace the hose.. not a fun job..


New Member
Jun 11, 2005
Memphis, TN
I'll try that same thing this weekend while my cars on jackstands and see if I can find a similar problem. I hope thats where the leak is even though it;s a pain to fix at least I wont have to buy a refab'ed pump or anything. Thanks for the help Supraholic