Posting This Death Before it Goes Public


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
We had dyno day at the 12th annual long as title for a meet thread in ohio today. After we "caravaned" to the eating location. Well as you know more than one supra on the road at the same time equals trouble ;)

It started off when we hit the light 3 wide. I pulled up next to the MK2 father and son guys. And was messing around a little bit with them at the light, reving the motor and such. But oh little did i know that the third car was ready and willing.

Light turns green i slip the clutch real good and i hear a burn out coming from the far side. I look over and its a white mk3 turbo trying to run. I hammer it according.Through first in the back of my mind i was thinking i might keep up with them. NOPE, i was wrong i missed shifted and missed second. :3d_frown:

I think its all good but little did i know they record that shit:cry: , and the video footage is bad. I got my doors blown off. Its all in good fun, but they got it on video, so it will get posted im sure.Talk about a good laugh while eating.

Boost lee has the blackmail evidence *waits*

Oh one more the 84 honda accord, we did some short pulls, second gear only i believe. I would only pull him at the top of second :icon_conf
The accord was beast, talk about bench racing while eating. Its a shame when u have to explain why u didnt pull a lower hp car lol. Once again all in good fun :bigthumb:


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Well since my patience has been tested in about every thread on here.............;)

I guess I'll have to wait patiently as well. Come on Jeff, post up that video of Fuzz getting his ass handed to him................sorry Fuzz, you know I still love you.................:biglaugh:


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
pm boost lee hes got the video tell him to get it up i wanna see again. Plus hes got my dyno pulls on there i blew the cameras mic out :biglaugh:

Oh jay i will have something special for you if all my plans go accordingly. Just keep that 1j in shape untill the next we meet muahahaha(thats an evil laugh)muahahaha


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Fuzz, are you wanting to have another death posted on here?...............:evil2:

Don't let the little 2.5 liter fool you. It packs a heck of a punch............:biglaugh:

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
***That's a lot of pressure for a poor folk on dial-up! :icon_surp

Aaron - Didn't you learn early that ricer excuses never work?
(in Vin Diesel voice)....."Granny shiftin, not double clutching like ya should"...

It was fun, though. I saw 3 Supra's, 3 wide, and thought, "Yep, this is going down in the books!" :)

I'll probably try to go somewhere else and upload it...but it's coming, no worries! :D

Good times...
