Well, I've got a new noise that just popped up the other day.
After going on a long drive, I noticed that my differential would make a louder than normal noise. It only happens when I'm turning left or right from a stop OR a very very slow crawl where the LSD is trying to engage.
Normally the engagement of the LSD doesn't make too much noise, however, this noise was almost like a metallic screech.
It's never happened before and now I'm somewhat worried.
I have a JZA70 Supra with the OEM Torsen LSD unit in the diff.
I replaced the fluid in the carrier to Redline fluid about 3 months ago with no issues.
Anyone have ANY ideas what's causing this? I don't have time to crack the diff open and inspect it at the moment.
After going on a long drive, I noticed that my differential would make a louder than normal noise. It only happens when I'm turning left or right from a stop OR a very very slow crawl where the LSD is trying to engage.
Normally the engagement of the LSD doesn't make too much noise, however, this noise was almost like a metallic screech.
It's never happened before and now I'm somewhat worried.
I have a JZA70 Supra with the OEM Torsen LSD unit in the diff.
I replaced the fluid in the carrier to Redline fluid about 3 months ago with no issues.
Anyone have ANY ideas what's causing this? I don't have time to crack the diff open and inspect it at the moment.