Poly-U Bushings


Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
Been looking for some front lower control arm poly-u bushings since Toyota doesn't sell them because they want you to buy the entire control arm.

Haven't had any luck, so I'm asking for a possible source.



Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
Thanks for the speedy reply.

Do you have these in your mkIII?

Explain the bitch to fit thing.



Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I have the full kit in mine exclding the lower control arms as I have the Stainless SS ones.

The kit comes with good instructions the "bitch" part is getting the old rubber out as you leave the old steel sleeves in for the new Poly's to go into.

I found some holesaws that did a good job of removing the bulk then burnt the rest out with an oxy torch cleaned em out with a die grinder and gave em a quick polish with a brake hone.

I then used some moly grease so they don't squeak ;).


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
On removing old bushings I have found a little heat from an oxy-acetylene torch works wonders. Most of the time they shoot right out, so make sure you have them pointed in a safe direction, and watch the heat, TOO much is BAD.



Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
You guys that have them installed---do you have any skeaking problems as your suspension goes through its range of articulation?



New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
One way to look at squeaking is, I love that sound it's the sound of ,I will never have to do my suspension bushings again. I had poly bushings on my last van for 17 years and they were like new when I gave the van away. So there are two benefits from them they last forever, which means your Safer. I will use modern grease when I do my supra though.



New Member
Apr 4, 2005
suprageezer said:
These folks from down under make a kit for just over 200.00, so try and find a dealer here in the US that carries them. I wrote Summit and asked them to carry the line and they are looking into it.



I took a look at their catalogue and all it shows is inner control arm (upper and lower) bushings for the mk3. Is that all they give you for $200 or is it a more complete kit like suprasports?


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
Lurker I see that too in their catalog, the kit I saw was at someones elses site and it had what seemed like everything in it. I'll try and find the site and post a link it may have been bushings from a few different kits but they were focused on the Superpro Bushings. If everyone writes Summit Racing and nags them to start selling their favorite tuner parts they will respond, they wanna make money like everyone else does but the volume they do is incredible so the price is sweeter. Whiteline looked like they only had bushing for Mk4's. Our cars are going to be Classics, you bet on it, so start bugging parts house's to rep needed MkIII parts at reasonable prices. I can buy a complete Poly bushing kit from Performance Suspension Technology P-S-T.com for a muscle car with every bushing, and steering component for less than 300.00 for a mopar. There is no reason to charge a supra buyer 400.00 for just bushing except greed and the fact some folks pay it. Im a smart shopper and use the internet to find the best deals. I am in no way knocking anyones business, it's just some of us cant afford to make a few companies wealthy.



Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
suprageezer said:
I can buy a complete Poly bushing kit from Performance Suspension Technology P-S-T.com for a muscle car with every bushing, and steering component for less than 300.00 for a mopar. There is no reason to charge a supra buyer 400.00 for just bushing except greed and the fact some folks pay it. Im a smart shopper and use the internet to find the best deals. I am in no way knocking anyones business, it's just some of us cant afford to make a few companies wealthy.


It's not that companies are greedy, its that there isn't a demand for MK3 bushings. $650 is more than most people want to spend on non-asthetic suspension mods...

Your mopar stuff is probably so cheap because even though each car had a relatively limited run, each part fits 10 different cars. The MK3 stuff is just mk3 stuff. It doesnt cross over to many other cars because how many double-wishbone rwd Toyota cars from that era do you know of? Plus there are also twice as many bushings. A complete MK2 bushing kit has like 12 bushings. The complete MK3 kit has 26.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Yeah....Jeff is right....my brother also makes the poly bushings for mk3 and i do not think he is greedy. He spend alot of his own money on buying the right equipment and getting the bushings tested by a professional company and they also make his molds and charge alot of money.

He asked me to make some molds which I am capable of. If I do make the molds it would be cheaper for him which in turn be cheaper for us all. In fact I would do the molds free from him, he would just have to buy the materials.
Just trying to help our Supra community so we can modify our cars for less dollars.



New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
I understand it’s a supply and demand issue, and some of the folks that make these parts do it out of the love for the Supra Owner. You also have to admit some folks make more than enough profit. As far as the demand goes one thing I have found in searching for any Supra part is the lack of large companies getting on the tuner bandwagon to make it easier for folks to obtain reasonably priced parts. I found this same issue back in the late eighties when restoring mopars. The fad hadn’t caught on yet and all the majors were making and selling silly bolt on crap for the late eighties cars. Once the late nineties rolled around I could buy almost every single part for my 68 charger cheap at the majors. What will happen here with our Supras is the same. Right now it seems like not a lot of people want to restore them, but what is really happening is young folks see the prices for each and every part is high and it turns them off to the cars. I predict as the majors catch on to how big the Supra market is worldwide for a nearly twenty year old car the will begin to manufacture our parts in larger quantities there by benefiting us current Supra Owners. Another benefit that will come to us is when all the mopars chevys and fords are costing over 100k to own people will look for other cars to restore and will rediscover the FIRST import Muscle car the Supra. I see this happening in the next 5 years I see it here around my town when everyone I meet that see my tired old stocker says Awesome Car those Supras are fast huh? I saw this same thing happen when I was driving around in the late seventies and early eighties in my chargers. So to anyone I may have offended by my comments I apologize and only wish to make our cars easier to restore for the coming increase in interest in Supras. One bit of advise for all you Supra owners, the more e-mails you send to Companies like Summit Racing, Energy Suspension, Addco, P-S-T, Jegs, JC Whitney, SuperPro, and all the other manufacturers, and dealers bugging them to reproduce parts for our cars the sooner our part prices will plumet to the levels that the average car kook can afford.
