Ram won.
Got Into Double Accident Tonight
I was driving my freinds 2001 Pathfinder on the 78E trying to get over so I could get off at my exit. I slowed down slightly so I could get over and the Dodge truck behind me rear ended the Pathfinder. He gets over into the center divider lane and I start to get over when a red car lets me in shortly after. As I'm changing lanes into the fast lane on my way to the center divider lane some crotch rocket doing 80+ side swipes me on my drivers side, sending him sliding into the center divider lane. All the bikers oil spills onto the ground in the center divider lane, and he is ok, but the bike is toast. The Dodge that rear ended me had a minor scuff on the top of his bumper, but the poor Pathfinder took 90% of the damage. I was not at fault for either accident, and everybody is ok (including the idiot biker). Some 1stLt. saw the biker get on the freeway driving like an idiot and watched as he side swiped me. Needless the say the only thing on the drivers side of the truck that's ok is the passenger door and the rear wheel, everything else needs to be replaced or repaired and repainted.
Poor Pathfinder.
Oh yeah, I bought a nice Samsung Trace after I was done dealing with the police.
Got Into Double Accident Tonight
I was driving my freinds 2001 Pathfinder on the 78E trying to get over so I could get off at my exit. I slowed down slightly so I could get over and the Dodge truck behind me rear ended the Pathfinder. He gets over into the center divider lane and I start to get over when a red car lets me in shortly after. As I'm changing lanes into the fast lane on my way to the center divider lane some crotch rocket doing 80+ side swipes me on my drivers side, sending him sliding into the center divider lane. All the bikers oil spills onto the ground in the center divider lane, and he is ok, but the bike is toast. The Dodge that rear ended me had a minor scuff on the top of his bumper, but the poor Pathfinder took 90% of the damage. I was not at fault for either accident, and everybody is ok (including the idiot biker). Some 1stLt. saw the biker get on the freeway driving like an idiot and watched as he side swiped me. Needless the say the only thing on the drivers side of the truck that's ok is the passenger door and the rear wheel, everything else needs to be replaced or repaired and repainted.
Poor Pathfinder.

Oh yeah, I bought a nice Samsung Trace after I was done dealing with the police.