Overheating Q's...Chime in masters.


Boost Master
May 10, 2005
Sup guys im trying to figure out why my car has been overheating on me.

*Quick Signs:
-Thick White Smoke
-Tint of Blue smoke (turbo)
-Temp over heat

-First of all, I believe my temp gauge has an electrical problem, or its just a really bad sign of bhg. When i start the car (morning) as it starts to warm up, the temp guage shoots up to the dead top past "hot". Ive been thinking its just an electrical issue...(changed gauge, and sensor and still does it)

-Bought an Autometer water temp. gauge, installed it and it reads from 100-250, which when I drove it for 5min, it raised from idle 210 to 250 quickly. My question is, What symptom is this?

-Morning start up smokes a lot of thick white smoke, until it is driven for a good 15min then it doesnt smoke no more. (quick puffs of white smoke 2-3x on the highway today). It only smokes a lot in the morning start up, as later in the day it doesnt smoke anymore. My second question is, White smoke means Bhg and blue smoke is turbo correct? (turbo has shit load of side side and in/out motion)

-3rd Question, the coolant hoses has a shit load of a pressure and is extremely hott.? Im not running a thermostat currently, and the water pump is quite and doesnt spin freely but some what "firm." Also I have no leaks and the motor seems to not drain any coolant as i havent had to pour extra fluid yet.

*over flow tank does not bubble or show oil
*oil cap is clean

The car in general OVERHEATS horribly, Whats some ways i can check to try to diagnose the issue?
Thanks guys.


Die Hard Supra Fan
Jul 23, 2007
United States
Sounds like the problem i had,. took it too a local garage, paid 500 dollers to get the car back,. drove the car a day later,. engine toasted itself,. someone unplugged the heat guage,.. than i found out by locals instead of them fixing it,. they took the car and was racing around with it in town,. but yaa i had the same problem,. now im saying screw the 7mgte and its problems, going 2jz, hehe,. good luck on you're car man,. iv been on that road and i know azactly how u feel

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
mk3_dude;991190 said:
Sup guys im trying to figure out why my car has been overheating on me.

*Quick Signs:
-Thick White Smoke
-Tint of Blue smoke (turbo)
-Temp over heat

-First of all, I believe my temp gauge has an electrical problem, or its just a really bad sign of bhg. When i start the car (morning) as it starts to warm up, the temp guage shoots up to the dead top past "hot". Ive been thinking its just an electrical issue...(changed gauge, and sensor and still does it)

-Bought an Autometer water temp. gauge, installed it and it reads from 100-250, which when I drove it for 5min, it raised from idle 210 to 250 quickly. My question is, What symptom is this?

The symptom is overheating, and the cause is the inability to radiate engine heat. You need a thermostat to trap engine heat from the block, a waterpump to push the hot coolant to the radiator, and a radiator that doesn't have internal corrosion.

-Morning start up smokes a lot of thick white smoke, until it is driven for a good 15min then it doesnt smoke no more. (quick puffs of white smoke 2-3x on the highway today). It only smokes a lot in the morning start up, as later in the day it doesnt smoke anymore.

Even though it is white, it can be valve seals leaking overnight. The engine is cold and you have condesation.

My second question is, White smoke means Bhg and blue smoke is turbo correct? (turbo has shit load of side side and in/out motion)

Yes and no. Water in the combustion chamber is white. Oil is usually blue. But oil can burn white also.

-3rd Question, the coolant hoses has a shit load of a pressure and is extremely hott.? Im not running a thermostat currently, and the water pump is quite and doesnt spin freely but some what "firm." Also I have no leaks and the motor seems to not drain any coolant as i havent had to pour extra fluid yet.

Install the proper thermostat from Toyota or equal quality. It sounds to me like you have a coolant flow problem.

*over flow tank does not bubble or show oil
*oil cap is clean

That sounds like the combustion chamber is not compromised.

The car in general OVERHEATS horribly, Whats some ways i can check to try to diagnose the issue?
Thanks guys.

Usually, the upper hose stays cool a little longer when the pump is bad. But you don't have a thermostat so that changes things.


Boost Master
May 10, 2005
Usually, the upper hose stays cool a little longer when the pump is bad. But you don't have a thermostat so that changes things.

So meaning, Since my hose is hott, my water pump is still good?
it is only cool obviously when it has sat for a while...

^ Thanks for answering all my questions though.
I will get a new thermostat installed tomm and will update you guys.
Again, thanks.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
You may want to see if you are leaking exahust gases into your coolant, you can get a test kit for this at NAPA. The smoking white at startup leads me to think one of two things: Coolant in the combustion chamber from leaking and pooling in overnight, or like what Nick mentioned earlier.


Apr 2, 2008
starscream5000;991649 said:
You may want to see if you are leaking exahust gases into your coolant, you can get a test kit for this at NAPA. The smoking white at startup leads me to think one of two things: Coolant in the combustion chamber from leaking and pooling in overnight, or like what Nick mentioned earlier.

Yes as star said, if you're leaking out* into your coolaing system your temp could very well rise, check coolant for coloring or any other type of things in it. Also get the tester, it will tell you very fast if you are leaking gases into your cooling sytem, also if you take a cap off you can sometimes see* bubbling, be careful though, not to burn yourself