Opinions on my parking situation


Obsessed with photography
Feb 27, 2008
St Louis, MO
MODS: If you think this belongs in the Off Topic section, by all means, feel free to move it.

My apologies for the excessively wordy post, but I’m hoping to get some opinions on what to do here…

A while back, I posted a thread in the Off Topic section entitled “Why I park in the garage...”. I included a pic showing a stolen car that had been driven up onto my front lawn and into my front porch. I intended this thread to be kind of a humorous “Can you believe this?!?” sort of thing. In addition to that particular incident, someone had driven a stolen Ford Aerostar into the back of my Ford Explorer (which I DO park on the street in front of my house) a few months earlier…yes, someone stole an Aerostar minivan…no, I have no idea what the thinking was there…

Now fast forward to this past December. The house next door to mine was vacant, and a new family moved in. They’re loud, problematic, and listen to gangster rap at loud volume late into the night. Additionally, it’s fairly common knowledge that the kids that live there hang out with “a bad crowd”, so to speak. The police don’t seem interested in doing anything about that, but I figured that as long as they didn’t bother me, my mom-who’s disabled and lives with me as a result of her disability-or any of my property, I’d just try to overlook all the various annoyances/problems associated with them.

I figured the Supra was safe parked in the garage…until earlier today.

Before I go on, I should mention that I live in one of those “quaint” older homes in the city of St. Louis. Since my house was constructed around 1916, it, like virtually all of the houses in my neighborhood, has a detached two car garage that’s located at the back of the property. The garage door faces the alley that runs behind the property. A day or so ago, I found what appeared to be some strange soot and minor burn patterns on my garage. I really wasn’t sure what to make of that, but I wasn’t sure what I could do about it either…

Anyway, earlier tonight I was out in front of the house checking something on my Explorer when a neighbor who lives on the block behind me (a guy I know and trust) was walking by with his wife. They stopped and told me that I needed to keep an eye on my garage. I asked, “What? My garage? Why?”

He told me that this past weekend, some neighborhood kids-including two of the kids who live next door to me-tried to SET MY GARAGE ON FIRE!!! He said that he actually SAW them doing this and went out to stop them. By the time he got out there to the alley, they had succeeded on setting a very small part of the garage on fire. He screamed at them to put the fire out, but they refused, shouted obscenities at him, and ran off. He quickly got some water and doused the flames. Thanks to his quick thinking, he seems to have saved not only my garage, by my Supra parked inside. After going back into his house, the same kids came back and set fire to a nearby dumpster in the alley.

Mere words fail to express how unbelievably pissed off I was.

After thanking this guy profusely for not only preventing my garage from burning down but also for preventing my Supra from going up in flames, I immediately got my Supra out of the garage and moved it onto the street, parking it in front of my Explorer, hopefully parking it far enough forward to be out of the “crash zone”, so to speak.

Since the mother of the kids who live next door to me was outside a little while later, I went outside and tried to speak with her about what this neighbor had said. She swore up and down that her kids couldn’t possibly have had anything to do with this, as, according to her, her kids wouldn’t do something like this. Worse yet, she then accused me of being a racist for accusing her kids of doing something like that. For the record, I have absolutely no problems with race, have had friends of different racial backgrounds, have dated women of different racial backgrounds, and have never been accused of racism in all my life. This accusation left me absolutely speechless.

When I moved into this neighborhood several years ago, it was actually a pretty good neighborhood, but crime seems to have escalated over the last year or so. Not to seem paranoid, but I’m thinking it may be time to move.

All this brings me to my question: Considering the problems I’ve had with people driving cars into both the Explorer as well as into my front porch, does everyone think my Supra would be safer parked on the street far enough forward that it shouldn’t get hit by another car, or does everyone think it would be safer in the garage away from the danger of being hit by another car, but where someone could possibly try to set the garage on fire again? I’m kind of torn between these two options, and I’m not sure what to do. If it’s parked on the street, I’m not too worried about theft, as I not only have the factory alarm, but three kill switches as well as a somewhat unique way of activating the starter; my main concern would be that someone would hit my car while it was parked outside. But if it’s parked in the garage and someone tried to set fire to my garage again, I wouldn’t necessarily know that the garage was on fire until it was too late to save the Supra. What does everyone think?

Thanks for all opinions and ideas; I appreciate any thoughts on the matter…



Jan 22, 2009
Fairfield, Ca
Move the hell outta there... I'm black and these other black people moved down the street from my house and their kids are fucking bad. Excuse my language but I'm hanging out the windows of my house damn near every day expecting to see something wrong with either of my cars. They're always trying to fight with other kids or throwing bottles out into the middle of the street which pisses me off because if I run it over without seeing it I can fubar one or more of my tires. Don't have the money to pay for it so you'd see me down the street whoopin some ass. Sorry for the rant.


Jan 22, 2009
Fairfield, Ca
^Yes. But for some odd reason it tends to lean more towards the black kids... If we dont want to be stereotyped then we should stop doing stereotypical things. ;) OP, get outta there while you still have your supra!


Obsessed with photography
Feb 27, 2008
St Louis, MO
^ I'm already looking for a new place...I'm just trying to figure out the best place to safely park the Supra while I'm still living here. :3d_frown:


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
DBN;1361864 said:
^Yes. But for some odd reason it tends to lean more towards the black kids... If we dont want to be stereotyped then we should stop doing stereotypical things. ;) OP, get outta there while you still have your supra!

Trust me there's white scum, Spanish scum, Asian scum, Black scum and as far as I'm concerned doesn't matter what kind of scum someone is, they deserve to be thrown behind bars in some basement never to see the light of day or have interaction with humane society ever again. Ofcouse this is only my opinion because I have no tolerance for people that have a flagrant disregaurd for law, respect of ther people and respect of other peoples property.

If I were you I would get my car as far away as possible and if youdonthave good insurance. Get it.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
Get FULL coverage insurance, maybe get the car appraised if its cleanly modified.

Make sure you're covered under loss/theft/fire etc...

Find a home in a place in which you can feel safe.


New Member
Jun 22, 2009
sounds pretty badd dude. DICKHEADS! I'd definitely move asap and due to the fact that you're not exactly leaving tomorrow, i'd leave it in the garage, give your neighbor a video camera and have them set something up so they can be caught on tape. When they're caught, report them and make them face consequences. Again, race has nothing to do with it, its people in general being jackasses who WILL/ NEED to eventually get caught! It sucks that you have to move because of someone else, especially after living there already for some time. Atleast now you can find a home where you will hopefully not have this problem as well as garage attached to your house. Good luck with everything!


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
As you're already looking for another place, I would park the Supra at a trusty safe friends house or relative, and drive the explorer. Hopefully you would have enough time to find a new place and get the hell out of there.


Formerly redmaro
Sep 6, 2007
Man your situation really sucks. I been through this also, and this really sucks, but it only gets worse. I would move ASAP, and call the police if you noticed somthing like this happens again.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Keep it in the garage because you know the bitch ass mother said something to the kids and they'll want revenge...

I'm assuming the garage is wood, they make flame retardent paint IIRC...


Droppin that JZ in soon!
Apr 18, 2007
Brampton, ON
^ I was just going to post that, this shit is more than retardent. I was watching there is a show where the guys who created it debuted it and it was amazing. They used a flamethrower on a WOOD wall.

Then they used a torch that luquifies steel and placed it directly onto the paint, nothing. The paint chars but protects the wood. Wood wasn't even touched!

I don't know if i can find videos but youtube it.


I really really think this stuff is great or I would have shut up by now, like I said, try to find a video and you'll be impressed.

You'll probably have fun TRYING to light it on fire yourself. It won't happen.I wouldn't paint the walls, roof in and out, and floor with it so if the fire got inside the floor wouldn't light on fire and wouldn't get to the supra.

The roof, so it doesn't catch fire and cave in on the supra.

Honestly. If the garage I use was mine and used to store my supra I would weld a mesh to four steel post like a canopy over my car :icon_razz lol.


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
Also clear out the garage and leave some shit that looks expensive but really isnt in there. maybe something stupid like a bicycle that you know they would take. then set up a video cam inside. Leave the garage door unlocked and ajar so they cant resist but go inside and fuck with shit, then have them arrested!


The Pretty Doward
Jan 25, 2008
Alachua, FL
Park the Supra at a friend's house, if you can, or look into a storage unit. In the mean time, they sell security cameras almost everywhere now, buy one and set it up to monitor your garage. I'm sure you'll catch something within a couple of weeks, while you look for another place to live. Sorry to hear about all the problems these asshats are causing you :(


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
lewis15498;1362282 said:
Also clear out the garage and leave some shit that looks expensive but really isnt in there. maybe something stupid like a bicycle that you know they would take. then set up a video cam inside. Leave the garage door unlocked and ajar so they cant resist but go inside and fuck with shit, then have them arrested!

+70 Billion!

Cameras inside and out. Make the one inside as conspicuous as possible. Post a sign on the outside about the place being video taped, and you will probably get footage of who destroys that cheap one as they destroy it. It will be transmitting to a recorder away from the unit, so no worry there. If it is clearly marked, the police will be more likely to look at your tape.


Jan 22, 2009
Fairfield, Ca
TuRbOdReAmZ87;1362476 said:
Just set up some claymore around the perimeter of your house if they step foot on your property they will be blown to last Tuesday :sarcasm: lol

Click... BOOM! Damn I wanna play call of duty now.