Okay. so header panel removal.../ nose panel


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
I tried to search, but cannot find the info i need. Maybe it's because i just woke up. ANYWAY on that note, what is involved in the removal of one? does the front bumper need to come off? i know the turns need to come off and the little grills as well thus far, but cannot find if i need to take off the bumper, but it looks like i do. This is for an 89+ car btw. (are the 89+ and pre 89's different? )
If anyone has a write up on this, please lmk.
Oh and all i am doing is swapping out the inner metal pieces, as my brothers is bent quite a bit.


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
i cant remember everyting about removal, but i do know there are some nuts where it bolts to the fenders. maybe 2 or 3 on each side. you also need to remove the turn signals iirc and take out the grills and two bolts on the bumper. im pretty sure i didnt have to remve the bumper.

it didnt take that long to get it off. i wish i could help more but its been a few years since ive removed one. it was pretty easy though.


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
There are 2 bolts inside the fenders where the nose piece and the fender meets. and then you have two on the left side, two in the midle, two bolts on the right side. so all together there are like... 10 bolts/nuts that have to be removed... not 100% sure on the turn signals and grills as i dont have the grills on my converted 86.5...


Droppin that JZ in soon!
Apr 18, 2007
Brampton, ON
You have pretty much all the info you need. The ones that bolt to the fenders and the ones you would miss. Now that you're aware it shouldn't be a problem, once you get out there and start removing the bolts you will figure out where the ones are that you've missed. Once they're off it may need a little tugging depending on what shape it's in.


New Member
Jul 17, 2012
lawrenceville, ga
Having come to this thread and then removed my own, i would say it is not a must to have the bumper off first but it definitely would make it much easier. The two nuts that attach each end of this piece to the fenders are literally not even visible after removing the headlights in a donor shell i don't have a motor in. If you take a look at the diagram in the link above, you can feel up in there and even maneuver a 1/4 inch ratchet with a deep 10mm socket onto the nuts. After a quarter turn, you should be able to finish removing them with your fingers. If the bumper was off, they would be completely accessible.
That said, when i take the nose off my actual project to remove that one, i will almost certainly take the bumper off, both to save the skin i would lose removing it and to make sure that the nuts are tight when i reinstall.