ok my new 1990 supra turbo is a fucking blast as hell to drive but there some things that need to be addresed. I don't have any money after buying it so that sucks. well get it home and accidently pull on the handbrake too hard and broke it, so now i have to leave it in gear so it doesn't roll aways. also she IS LEAKING SHIT!! ok i found out the first one is that he put a shitty seal for the antifreeze so that can be fixed. but the rear end is leaking a tiny bit too so i dunno what that is but im goign to have to get that look at as well. the stupid idiot spent like over 5,000 on a new engine and acserious but not on maintence or nothing. so hmmm im in a jam I can fix the antifreez leak but the rear end leak i dunno about that bitch. Also i have to save up to get the small patch of rust removed. man im in way over my head........ :icon_conf