OK, explain this to me....


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
This weekend I fixed my speedo problem by replacing all the pieces of the cable with brand new parts. Alright, so alls good speedo reads and is correct according to the tach and a rpm/mph table I have. But, now my O/D light is blinking, so here's what I'm wondering...

A:Why I can't get it to show me what the code is, when trying to pull them up using the method listed in the TSRM, I get nothing.
B: Shouldn't the light have been on all along, and the transmission not shift right b/c of the lack of speed reading. Or, is that just a 7M issue. Because I've driven the car for several months with no speedo and with no problems.
C:If the O/D light flashing has anything to do with one of the speed sensors that would also cause the Anti-lock light to be on correct...The anti-lock light has been on since I finished my swap, but I haven't been able to figure out why.

I'm going to look around the tranny today after work, and see if something got severed, or unplugged somehow. But, the only plugs I did anything with were the ones that you have to remove to get the cluster out.

I'm starting to think this car is cursed.:icon_mad: