oil pressure drops after 2600rpm. wtf

3.0 GT

2JZ Holset Mafia
Nov 30, 2008
Franklin, Tn
HEy, i got a 7m with forged internals, holset he351 turbo, remote oil cooler and filter setup, some other things and a brand new shimmed oil pump with maybe 10,000 miles on everything. but just recently i noticed a problem with my oil pressure. anything below 2500-300rpm the oil pressure is normal and in spec but once i cross over this point the pressure drops off. it seems like the more rpm, the lower the oil psi. at idle its a good 8psi. by 2500rpm 32psi. and once over that it will just go down with more rpms. i usually have 42psi at 3000+. i just changed my oil also and the problem still persists. any help would be great becuase this is worrying me

3.0 GT

2JZ Holset Mafia
Nov 30, 2008
Franklin, Tn
CyFi6;1713628 said:
Are you checking this with a known good mechanical oil pressure gauge? Which oil pressure port are you tapping into?

nope stock gauge right now but it was known to be working. and i know the stock one is crap but my prosport died so im using the stocker for now.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Get a tester gauge that you use for testing purposes and goes where the stock sender is. Should be able to rent one from kragen or autozone.