Notary Public


Been To The Other Side...
Mar 25, 2007
No Man's Land
I was looking into becoming a Notary Public, as a job to see how it is. I was wondering if anyone on SM has had this job or has more insight of it. Also it'd be nice if anyone would need the assistance of one since if i become i can help you :naughty:


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
its usually recommended as part of other jobs.... i wouldnt see it as a job in itself...sort of like a 'kicker' where you get a couple extra dollars an hour or something


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
tlo86 said:
its usually recommended as part of other jobs.... i wouldnt see it as a job in itself...sort of like a 'kicker' where you get a couple extra dollars an hour or something

I don't get any extra money for it, but many neighbors, friends, etc. ask for help at odd hours...

Anyway, I don't mind helping out, so it's just fine with me... I usually get some "thank you" food as well:icon_razz


Been To The Other Side...
Mar 25, 2007
No Man's Land
In my search, I found many definitions of a Notary Public. Although all are worded differently, all definitions come down to mean the same thing. Here are some of my findings, with these definitions you should be able to understand the duties of a Notary Public!

“A notary is a independent witness of the state who verifies your identity and often will watch you sign certain legal documents such as wills, affidavits, or home loans. Basically a notaries job is to make sure you are who you say you are.”

A notary public witnesses a person's signature on different types of documents, thereby verifying that the individual did indeed sign the paper of his or her own free will. For this service, the notary receives a fee set by the state.

A public officer whose function is to administer oaths, to attest and certify by his hand and official seal.

An officer appointed by the governor with authority to take the acknowledgment of persons executing documents and to sign the certificate and affix a seal.

a public figure authorized to attest to the signing of documents, such as deeds or mortgages. The notary public certifies that he or she has witnessed the signing of the document by also signing the document and affixing his or her official seal.

A state licensed public officer who administers oaths, certifies documents and performs other specified functions. A notary public’s signature and seal may be required to authenticate signatures on certain legal documents.

A designation authorized by law and administered by the government, allowing a designated person to verify and certify signatures and copies of documents.

A person authorized by the state who attests to the authenticity of signatures.