Nomads 1JZ Swap


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
Starting off..

Another Shot

Lower IM removed

A/c P/s, And condenser removed,

Harness removed

AC removed PS removed, lines removed, condensor removed, harness removed.. about ready to pull.

Ok so my red 89 automatic NA has now been through two motors, 2 headgaskets, 2 different heads, and one brand new head...

several months ago when i finished putting on a new head.. my girlfriend was driving home from work and it over heated.. yet she kept driving because "she didnt know what to do". Yes, i yelled at her.

when she got it home it was knocking. FTL!!!

Last edited:


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
yes it is my girlfriend in my avatar.. (we are getting married in 6 months)

Yeah i know its been a while since ive been on.. ive been going through some serious health and other life bullshit.. i sometimes wish i could get stuck on an island with no people, just internet, and lots of supras to fix up.. lol.

i wish i could do the swap my self but without proper resources AKA cherry picker.. and now living in an appartment.. its impossible. BUT im in good hands so im not sweating it.
Ive sold all my other supras but i still have my 89 NA At.. my baby. my g/f uses it during night to drive to work.. so i couldnt justify going NA/t quite yet. Once we buy a new car me and my girl have big plans for the supra.

Now that i have internet and a computer again.. you will see me lurking =)


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
So it looks like we will be starting on monday the 29th.
And we ARE using a Cometic MHG with ARP studs at 80 Ftlbs (yes on a nonturbo) to completely insure no BHG EVER!
Pics monday.


Jun 21, 2007
you should put a "what to do" list in the car, so when something happens, she can look at the list and know what to do


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
Ok guys.. lots of news...

funds prevented swap, but now employed i can afford it finally..

I also now got a garage unit at my appartment complex... 75$ a month on top of rent for the garage.. its big enough to do a swap with some room to spare, so i'm happy.

on top of this i got a few things for project 3E5 revive.

-W58 tranny acquired for future 5speed swap.
-Another Cyl. Head. (for a total of 4 laying in spare tire well RIGHT now.
-complete EGR that works.
-stainless steel front brake lines
-front rotors.
-other misc crap.

i will pull the motor out, inspect damage, and hopefully re-use the block for my next project.. I will start building motor for next project before i even get the car.. (in persuit of a supra now)

Im trying to find a camera cord in town for my camera,, i got tons of new pics just no way to upload.



5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
do you know why the car overheated on the g/f though? was it due to a bhg? stuck thermostat? bad radiator cap? i think you should really address the issue of figuring out WHATS wrong vs. just slapping on new heads and head gaskets... and if your block has been through that much hell... i highly doubt its in any better shape. lol.

but your g/f is hot! sucks she made the car blow itself though...


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
t/y she is quite teh hotness..

I think i posted in a previous thread not sure.. but yes the headgasket blew.
Im not reusing block or ANY head on this car.. all the motor parts coming out will be sent to machine shop and inspected/machined.. if its trash, its trash.

we are buying an Atarco motor and we are going to take the head off, slap on a cometic, arps, water pump, oil pan gasket, valve cover gaskets, and cam seals.

-when i was taking the head off, i was loosening headbolts and some of them felt to be 15lbs or lower, even though i torqued to 65 and retorqued to 65 again a week later.
-Thermostat and whole waterpipe were new, along with the cyl. head that was on it.

I know the bare block MIGHT be ok.. it had a slight knock, kind of loud, and distinct, but i dont think it was a case of a broken or bent rod.., i think it might have been a bearing issue from severely overheating.

Aside that im hoping the crank is okay, to be used with the block in the next build for another supra... if not, atarco again.


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
your close enough the to bay area... go on craigslist, or hit up the bay area pick and pulls, there ALWAYS a non turbo 7m in one of em... at least that way you can see how many miles are on the engine, and if your gonna rebuild it, it wont matter if it has BHG or rodknock...

my last supra had NEW stock head bolts on it, and lets just say it was overheated more times than i can count on two hands, and it never blew... that engine was tough.


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
Im trying to find a complete shell w/ tranny and w/o motor...

None really on craigslist.. although there IS a dealership here in town with a turbo 5spd with cometic + arps for 4,000$ and only 98k miles.
Seriously considering buying it.. lol.


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
Ok guys!!! me and ace (grimsta from zankoku) are going to go get the beloved 3E5 89!!! There will be lots of progress this week, and pics to follow!

Still trying to find a damn camera cord.. turns out kodak only sells cords through themselves, and NO where else.. GAYYYYY. So im going to have to buy a multi card reader so i can get you guys the pics =) pics coming VERY soon i promise.

and it also appears that the 1JZ swap is pretty much set.. so im going to be preparing for that... My goal is to have it swapped by 1/15/09 =D

Ok gotta go meet ace down the road.. ill update later on with progress i get done tonight.



Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
just got back! we got the car loaded up and moved to my appt complex garage unit.. so now work can begin on this very sad supra. Cactus_mole here from SM is coming over to help out or watch =P

Pics coming late tonight or tomorow hopefully =)


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
no progress =/ We got distracted. Turns out the person thats renting the two garage spaces next to me has an SC300 that he is putting a 2jzgtte into.. he has the motor and everything.. he's just waiting to get his harness back from dr. tweak.. he has a NICE car.. and a ton of 2j parts.. so we were mostly talking the whole time.. Cactus_mole did come over in his sc300.. so we just talked to this guy for a while.

I'm probably going to start getting engine bay cleaned up and get ready to pull the 7m out and get ready for the 1j tomorow. i still have no Card reader.. waiting for G/F to buy one. Anyways.. i promise pics by the end of the week, and they will be posted on front page.

Love always,



Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
Ok.. more news.. not that anyone cares since there wont be pics for a few days.

Today i got the lower intake manifold off, the wire harness off, power steering pump and lines removed, and rack capped off. A/C system completely removed, including all lines, pump, condenser, and icky freon... engine bay is starting to look SOOO much better with less clutter.. im going to do the fusebox relocation, not sure yet but i'm sure ill find a good place, i also got the cruise control blob out..

Cant wait untill i get the motor out! but first i need to find a cherry picker to use..

Anywho... gotta leave for work, ALSO the A/C pump and most lines will be F/S in proper thread when i get camera..