No price no post? (FS Section Rule Proposal)

No Price, No Post?

  • Yes, make it a rule

    Votes: 28 82.4%
  • No, I like to be in the dark, and throw offers out blindly

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
Well, us mods are contemplating a no price no post rule for the For Sale section, I have had it happen before when I want to buy something, I ask the guy how much and he says make an offer...

You want people to be able to do that?
Should they have to post an asking price?

Vote now. :)



Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
i think we all know where i sit on this situation ;)

personally i feel that if you want people to "make offers" then put yur stuff on ebay... if you want to sell it on here... i think an asking price should be mandatory...

frankly if you arent sure what its worth post a price if its cheap then it will sell fast ;) if its too much someone can always negotiate down for a compromise that suits both parties...

i think a simple asking price would be great and if the seller isnt too sure on if hes asking too much for something the OBO is always helpful ;)


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
A member of SF once stated what I think of all this:
myMUSICveins said:
I never understood why people ask for an offer instead of saying how much they will let it go for. Is it them hoping the offer will be higher than the amount they find reasonable to let the item go for?

Whenever I get people telling me to make them an offer, I do, but I'd rather lowball if that’s the game they want to play. If it isn’t high enough, usually the seller says, I cant let it go for any less than "x amount"

Shoulda just came out with it in the first place!
LMAO :bigthumb:

This "make me an offer" business makes many walk away also.
I usually avoid or don't end of buying the part if it is marketed that way.
Many times the seller gets upset & frustrated because of the offers they get, but it was them that started the offer game in the first place.
I believe it is a bad marketing gimmick & ends up really wasting many people's time in the process.

There is WAY too much uncertainty in buying over the net -- why add to it!?
I have never bought on such a tactic, and don't really know how to -- whatever I say seems to be wrong. heh
If the seller does not know how much an item goes for, all they have to do research the going price. That is not hard at all, just watch eBay or do a search, or ask friends in IM. To me, I think it is much easier to find what the going rate of something is, rather then play the "make me an offer game."

I think most buyers shy away from it as well.
So it can only benefit who ... sellers? I don't see how.

eh Just my opinions and preferences.
Maybe I am missing something.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
I agree with those saying priceless FS posts are annoying, but I don't like the idea of a rule saying it can't be done. If someone wants to sell a part as if he or she were running a silent auction, so be it... I view Supramania as a refuge from overbearing rules, and while this one won't affect me in particular, I don't think it is necessary to ban something so trivial.


Drft What do u mean drft?
Mar 31, 2005
Southern, Ca
I agree with ma71 about not making it a rule because people are not really sure on what parts cost even though it might turn some people away, people will eventually ask a price. If you don't like them asking you to make a offer, then don't buy the part.

Just my Opinion



87T Targa
Apr 4, 2005
Tucson, AZ
Perhaps a "Make Me An Offer" subforum in the for sale section? If people aren't sure what their item is worth or even if they WANT to sell it in the first place, have them post in that section. At least then they can't be offended if they get low balled since that is the sole purpose of that area in the for sale section. Along the same lines, the buyer knows exactly what he/she is getting into when entering that section and viewing the items. The regular for sale section would then have the mandatory rule of listing a price with your item.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
yes but the least they could do is ask how much the part is worth, first then say $XX or make me an offer.


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
People need to do some searching and find out how much something is before just throwing it up there. Thats why you ask ( $1,200 obo) that way there is some flexability


87T Targa
Apr 4, 2005
Tucson, AZ
bobtsgt said:
People need to do some searching and find out how much something is before just throwing it up there. Thats why you ask ( $1,200 obo) that way there is some flexability

I agree but theres always those random parts (stock or not) that aren't normally up for sale and usually pretty hard to judge when it comes to dollar values. I really think the rule would be excellent if we still had a subforum to accomodate for those items mentioned.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
ma71supraturbo said:
... If someone wants to sell a part as if he or she were running a silent auction, so be it...
Your post made me think about something else also: item/s that are also going one eBay as well. In that case if the seller does not provide an asking price, they should provide a link to the eBay auction. That may be an amendment to this as well. I guess I just like things out in the open. To me, the buyer should know what is going on, as their time is important.

Again, just my opinion.