NJ Job Search - IT Field - Help


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Ok here's the deal, I'm currently working as a customer service rep for a storage company. I've been here for 3 1/2 yrs, they are turning into shit right now. I go to school part time from 6 to 11pm at The Chubbs Insititute for computer networking & security. I have personal knowledge of computers (11 yrs only 24). I've built PC's, built networks, troubleshot alot of stupid things over the years.

I've been trying to get my foot in the door SOME WHERE in the IT department for about a year and some odd change now with no luck. Does anyone know any sites I can shoot my resume out too?

I know of the following sites, www.indeed.com, www.dice.com, www.monster.com, yahoo hot jobs, and career builder. I've sent out about 500+ resumes over the yr and change with NO LUCK. I've got back a total of maybe 5 calls. I've edited my resume about 10 times to try and make it look better then before with out any lies.

Help! Thanks.

P.S. I currently make 15.20 and hr which is about 31,000 a yr. Sounds like alot but isn't cause I rent and live on my own. Bills are crazy I have school loans, credit cards, and personal loans that I want to pay off faster with a new career move but this waiting thing is killing me.

I also graduate Oct 1st. W00T!