New member here...have some ?'s


hondas suck
Apr 19, 2005
I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself to everyone here. I just bought a 92 supra turbo, and I have some questions about it.

1.My car is an auto, what kind of quarter mile times can I expect from it?

2.I am not too much of a racer but I do want my car to be respectable, what mods would be nessicary to get my car into the mid 14's.

Thank you,


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
hello, i love these questions bacause i can actualy answer them
besides just telling you to read the faq wich you should anyways just because it helps more than anything

1: its an auto, i have one to its limit in hp is 280. beyond that you would need one hell of a tranny cooler and it would probably destroy the clutches. in the 1/4 i did like 15 stock. its got better torque to the wheels than the 5spd. but a lil more hp loss. its more consistant than the 5spd depending on driver. and all in all this is a respactable tranny so it wins its share of races.

2:the car will be respectable if you get it in perfect running condition. no blown head gasket(wich you should check for right away) no leeking hoses, timing right, no oil leeks. no boost leeks, and no vacuum leeks, make sure you flush and put quality product in your rad,engine,tranny, and diff. it adds minor gains but even a little helps. your stock boost should be at about 6 psi on WOT. i cant stress that enough get it in perfect running order first THEN the route i took w/ it was
K&N fipk
a downpipe prefferebly w/ integrated elbow cus it helps spool up your turbo allot faster
i chose cooleeze 3'' w/ integrated elbow you can buy most of these at aapmotorsports
a larger exhaust system the trend here is 3''(i havent gotten this but want to soon)
synthetic oils through whole car.
at this point you should have approx 220-230 at the wheels and a good 14 second car, after that you will want to shim your wastegate if you chose too, you'll need a new boost guage cus ours only shows *boost* *no boost* then you can shim it to a maximum of 11 psi and that should add a few more ponies approx 11 hp per extra psi. just be aware of the limitations of our trannies. well thats it any more Q's just postem and welcome to the forums.


hondas suck
Apr 19, 2005
Thanks for your help. as far as the condition of my car, it has 69K miles and 'seems' to be in good mechanical condition, however it is going to a local toyota dealer tomarrow, to have a full check up. After that I will begin modding my car, probably with an intake and exhaust to start. Another question...What kind of BOV works good with the auto, I want somthing that is good quality and loud!!



7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
If it's going to the dealer tomorrow, and you are going to spend money on the car anyways, might as well ask them for a cylinder leak-down check. If everything checks out good, I would recommend reading up on a procedure called "cylinder head re-torque". It just may save your life in the near future.

As for a blow-off valve, you may want to hold off on that for a bit, and I'll tell you a couple of reasons why: the stock blow-off valve sounds very nice when it's relieving 11+ psi of boost between shifts. It's actually recirculating the air back to the intake stream, too.
Here is what happens:
Air comes through the air filter, through the air flow meter. A signal is sent to the ECU to tell how much air has passed through the air flow meter. At this point, the ECU tells the appropriate amount of fuel to be injected with the air for combustion. When you shift, the air that is relieved is actually sent BACK into the intake stream, past the AFM. This air is already accounted for, as far as the ECU is concerned.
Now, if you let the air OUT of the system [with most of the "cool" noise-making vent-to-atmosphere blow-off valves], there is air that is unaccounted for, and there is more fuel injected at that time. This causes many people to run rich between shifts. This, in turn, can cause back-fires during shifts, clogged catalytic converters, fouled plugs and o2 sensors.

This is not to say that anyone has been unsuccessful with a "vent-to-atmosphere" blow off valve [these are the ones that make the trademark noises that you referred to] on MkIII Supras - just understand that some undesireable things CAN happen.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
check out the newly updated MK3 Supra Information/Reference

lots of answers in there



hondas suck
Apr 19, 2005
americanjebus: when you say that you did a fifteen in the 1/4 stock. do you mean 15 flat? If so that is better then I was expecting.



where in jersey are you located? my next question was is your car a redish color, because my friend just sold a 92t with 69-70k on it, but i guess that wouldnt be you


haha yeah thats my friends car, i love that car, unfortinately it was much cleaner until it got hit, but that car has a fresh set of eibachs, tokico tems shocks, it DID have the hks tems controller but thats in my car now and he kept the eclipse monitor. im pretty sure that cars stock though other than that. he saves the modding for the torn apart 89. but that cars still in pretty mint shape


da puerto rican supra man
Apr 2, 2005
ya i got a 92t too but mine is a manual and has about 99k miles on it and i have the whole top end rebuilt and i highly suggest u get that done. while you get the head gasket done get it bored too. :evil2: its a very good investment at least i think so.


hondas suck
Apr 19, 2005
All it has now is eibach springs...The first time I drove the car it still had everything, but as he dropped the price, the stuff went.


the tokico's are still on there to the only thing not in there is the hks tems controller and the monitor


Celica All-trac Turbo
Mar 30, 2005
My 91T auto did 15.7 bone stock in the 1/4. I had 142K miles at the time.

I added a 3" catback, cheap eBay downpipe, and a Dr.Jonez MBC (manual boost controller) and got it down to 14.8 in the 1/4.



Welcome to the circus!

Drunk Medic is absolutely right about the blow off valve. They sound cool (sometimes) but that's about all they do. They actually hurt a 1/4 mile pass, performance wise, because the pressure is vented out into the atmosphere between shifts, it's just that. Loss of boost between shifts.

A factory (or aftermarket) diverter valve that operates like what you have on your car now plumbs the air back into the accordion hose right behind the air flow meter, so the boost still drops at deceleration or between shifts, but it decends slower because it's being fed back into the engine. This means that when your transmission shifts, the needle on the boost gauge won't drop quickly like a BOV causes it to so you are re-entering boost when the shift is complete and when you let out of the clutch pedal with a manual.

You are doing the right thing with your research. Just make sure that you understand what the modifications are actually doing to your car when you decide what you want to do to it. I could tell you what each saught after modification does, but that's a lot of typing and you can already get the info elswhere...

Go for it and research each modification you're interested in for a few weeks. Talk to some people (on here or otherwise) with the product you want to add on to your car to see how they like it and to see if it's the right thing for your car or if there are any drawbacks or other modifications aside that may need to be performed. Most of the time you do have to do more than one thing with a mechanical modification on any car. Especially on a car that has a computer controlled engine. Each modification affects it to a certain degree and other components or adjustment may need to be changed as well.

I would research the blown head gasket problem that these cars tend to have (both my 7M-GE Cressida and my 7MGTE '88 supra 5 speed have new head gaskets due to the original blowing out.) I don't want to scare you, but any knowledge you can gather on the symptoms, causes and prevention of a BHG (blown head gasket) will help you avoid one.

Good luck with your car and keep up with your research!


hondas suck
Apr 19, 2005
One more question...on these cars, when we blow head gaskets, how often is there damage to the block?


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
we have bullet proof blocks realy, its your rod bearings that will get toasted and your oil pump. that occurs after you drive w/ the blown head gasket for a long time. coolant and oil dont lube metal parts very well and gum stuff up. just do a compression test and look out for overheating and you'll be ok.