need u guys to do a better job than i with my mico paint skillz!
please photchop this valve cover as one solid piece WITHOUT the vents down the middle!
im in protoype mod of making cusomt valve covers for the 1jz in Fiberglass or Carbon Fiber and need to get an idea of how it will turn out and present it to the community for possible GB!
so again plesae make the front timing cover and the middle cover all one peice please! and paint it same color! or CF style if u can!
u may use any pic of a 1j but MUST NO THAVE CRAP ALL OVER THE COVER. meaning wires, strut bar etc. needs to be a clean view of the covers!
here is my rendering of what i plan to do. this will givve u 1j guys an oppertunity to add stickers down ur valley cover liek the 2j guys do!
also ill let u guys run free with how u think the vents should be to reliev some heat form the chamber in there. weather it be liek the 2j (as pictured in mine) or anyway u think!
please photchop this valve cover as one solid piece WITHOUT the vents down the middle!
im in protoype mod of making cusomt valve covers for the 1jz in Fiberglass or Carbon Fiber and need to get an idea of how it will turn out and present it to the community for possible GB!
so again plesae make the front timing cover and the middle cover all one peice please! and paint it same color! or CF style if u can!
u may use any pic of a 1j but MUST NO THAVE CRAP ALL OVER THE COVER. meaning wires, strut bar etc. needs to be a clean view of the covers!
here is my rendering of what i plan to do. this will givve u 1j guys an oppertunity to add stickers down ur valley cover liek the 2j guys do!
also ill let u guys run free with how u think the vents should be to reliev some heat form the chamber in there. weather it be liek the 2j (as pictured in mine) or anyway u think!