New from Colorado


New Member
May 16, 2012
Middle of the springs, colorado
Im new to the supra game, im buying a 87' supra turbo from a friend for 100$ Its in really good shape for the price he offered it to at. Its an automatic, and the major things on it is all on the passenger side with a dent in the front right fender, a broken casing for the passenger mirror and I need to replace the arms for the window as it has fallen through.... oh a dead battery flat tire and 2yr old gas....blegh. 154565_406176526089414_100000912096638_1191787_1745403258_n.jpg536674_406176966089370_100000912096638_1191789_947292498_n.jpg544144_406175929422807_100000912096638_1191786_195660295_n.jpg581148_406176592756074_100000912096638_1191788_1355739388_n.jpg545177_406177146089352_100000912096638_1191790_1580774176_n.jpg
edit- Im buying this as a project car. My DD is the blue bmw in the background.
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New Member
May 14, 2012
Baton Rouge, LA
Nice ride! That's a steal for $100. I just paid $450 for my '89 MK III and it's not in as good a shape as yours is. Welcome to SM!


New Member
May 16, 2012
Middle of the springs, colorado
Thanks jarvis! Yea my friend asked me if i liked to work on and restore cars and i said yes. Thats when he mentioned the supra and asked me if id want it and I said yea id take it so he offered it to me for 100$ Its only got around 197,xxx miles on it which is pretty good for the year haha. Yea i got lucky with this one. 450 isn't bad, well for a supra haha.