For the life of me I cant find the old one. Also the search will not let me search for just AIM...
Soooo here it goes!
Nirvana 4226 is me.
Im on almost all day. Talk to me. I get bored easy!
Format your posts such as this PLEASE so I can update the first post accordingly!
*AIM SN* - SM Screen name!
Here goes!
Nirvana 4226 - HellsLegion
JeffLange7M - Jeff Lange
Sl0w66 - Slow66
Supracentral - SupraCentral
NewEra00 - Empera
RobPCHS04 - 87CandyBlueT
Clipkid243 - Clip
HitTheDerk - SupraDerk
Zvonomir2 - JustAnotherVictim
SupraTruboJon - GotTurbos?
booyadrummer11 - Robbo185
drunknweezl - theWeezL
trydrew889 - trydrew
squid699 - Squid699
MK3Suprafan - Yellow 13
blacksupraT - Supra90Turbo
swaqvalley - swaq
Teh Driftz0rr - MKIII N00b
Soooo here it goes!
Nirvana 4226 is me.
Im on almost all day. Talk to me. I get bored easy!
Format your posts such as this PLEASE so I can update the first post accordingly!
*AIM SN* - SM Screen name!
Here goes!
Nirvana 4226 - HellsLegion
JeffLange7M - Jeff Lange
Sl0w66 - Slow66
Supracentral - SupraCentral
NewEra00 - Empera
RobPCHS04 - 87CandyBlueT
Clipkid243 - Clip
HitTheDerk - SupraDerk
Zvonomir2 - JustAnotherVictim
SupraTruboJon - GotTurbos?
booyadrummer11 - Robbo185
drunknweezl - theWeezL
trydrew889 - trydrew
squid699 - Squid699
MK3Suprafan - Yellow 13
blacksupraT - Supra90Turbo
swaqvalley - swaq
Teh Driftz0rr - MKIII N00b
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