Need some help: Anyone have measurements (or will measure) your MKIII's driveshaft?


Banned Scammer - I'm whitemike.
Jun 14, 2011
Fort Myers/Cape Coral - Florida
I'm having a driveshaft issue on a fairly unique swap..

It seems the stock auto two piece driveshaft is about 2-3 inches too long.

Anyone know the length of the R154 and W58 (are they different?) DS's?

It'd also be helpful if someone could post the stock A340 DS length but if not I'll try and get to that tomorrow.

I've been SO BUSY I'd like to get all the info sorted before actually trying to take action and waste what little time I may have available to me.

Thank you!


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
powell river bc
the w58 from tip of yoke to end flange is just under 27 inches. (front half only)

last time i did an auto to 5spd swap, the r154 shaft was about 1/4 shorter then the auto shaft, and the yoke fit fine. as for my auto shaft length id have to check tommorow


Banned Scammer - I'm whitemike.
Jun 14, 2011
Fort Myers/Cape Coral - Florida
The R154 shaft is 1/4" shorter? That's nothing.. why would they even make two shafts? The yoke would easily make up for that.. how sure are you about that measurement?

From the sound of it the W58 front shaft sounds perfect (I've been reading it's about 2" shorter than the R154 shaft) however I've also been reading it's a different spline count.

I really wish there was a "bolt up" solution as I don't have a trusted DS shop in the area and at this point in the build I'm OUT of funds.

Is it so difficult that it's not worth it to take out the U-Joint from the shafts? (Then I could fit the auto yoke onto the W58 half)


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
powell river bc
i had the 2 side by side and that was a visual observation,

they might swap. im not sure if U joint size is the same. ill get back you on that, or someone else might know