Need help!!!


Apr 7, 2005
Grand Blanc, MI
Don't know what went wrong but my car started to sputter one day but went away eventually. Now I'm throwing codes like crazy. Code 12, 22, 24, 34. I checked connection etc... All is fine. Can it be that I'm not getting a signal from my starter? I would start my car but it would idle rough. can't gas it cause it would choke. After several minutes it would crank but not turn over. I'm stuck. Checked for sparks/good. Just not turning over. Wiggled cps wires but no luck. I would let it set for several minutes and then try to start again and it would start again. I'll have to check my starter over the weekend. Any help is appreciated.


Love My Daily Driver !
Jun 8, 2005
Mojave Desert, Ca
If the car goes (and I quote) "Rrrrrr....Rrrrrr....." then the ******* starter is doing its job ! If you have spark to the plugs, then the ignition is doing its job. The fuel pump gets 12 volts when the starter is cranking. Pull the fuel line off the 'cold start' injector and put the end into an empty jar or can, and crank the starter to see if fuel is flowing. No?? Then you have a problem in that circuit. (Report back for further info). Yes, fuel?? Then you probably have a problem with the fuel injectors not working. (report back).