My roommates just f'd me hard.


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
So I live with two other guys in a duplex in Corvallis, Oregon. One of them is a quazi wannabe car nerd. Aka he actually works on cars, but doesn't know a whole lot. (Weezl can attest to this). The other is an engineering nerd. However, I haven't seen either of them for months. Well, I see them every once in a while, but overall, they just aren't here. Then a few days ago one of my roomies out of the blue, after not talking to me for a couple months asks me to have pizza with him at the local pub. At this point I know something's up, either they're kicking me out or leaving.

Found out, they're leaving. I've now got a 900/mo rent bill to pay myself. HA. Yea fucking right, that isn't happening. I've got 23 days to find 2 more roommates or have all of my stuff out of here...

So it looks like I'm going to go move in with my parents for a couple months until next fall for school starts. I'll be leaving my job, my gf, and all my friends. Ugh. On one hand i'm kinda glad, on the other it just flat out blows.

Oh well, Olympia, WA here I come! And FUCK YOU Dan Donin and Doug Boyuss!!


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
whoa man...sorry to hear...that really sucks....if i lived there id help trying to find a place here in SoCal living with my father temporarily...hope things shape up


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
i feel for ya man. I know how those things feel and can go. If you are going to school though. You can always try the school local listing for People to rent the space from you or put an add in the local paper.

If you want to give up then fight for it, then give up pack up your stuff and move back home. Its not a failure. It's just tells you that maybe you did not want it that bad and the things attached to being there.

But if you really want to keep things going, then fight for it, till the bitter end. Just make sure that you have your plans worked out if the good fight still does not pull through.

23 Day is more then enough time to cover your ass. Just ask for first and second month rent up front.

Just don't be to quick to assume your friends are trying to Fuck you. Things happen in peoples live and people do different things. If they are true friends i would hope that they will see what type of situation they have left you in and try to help you get some new roomies


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
no, i'm not going to fight it. I kinda new this was coming. Both dan and doug are drama queens, it was never a real happy environment around here. my parents just moved back out from south florida, so they could use some help getting settled in and such. Overall, i think its in my best interest, being as I also have some financial issues I need to work on. Minimizing expenses should help with that. But now i have to find people up there who have supras... sigh....


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Best of luck with this one... I have been in a similar situation... Not once, not twice, but THREE times this past 12 months.... It totally blows...

At least moving back with the parentals for a bit will help you get on your feet financially, and you will get to meet a whole bunch of new awesome Supra peeps!!!!!! :)

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
This is why it's best to be able to cover the rent by yourself and only have roommates to lower your costs.

My parents are moving out (Dad is going to Switzerland for a year) in May of this year, leaving the house to just myself, I've got a friend moving in with me, which will help, but the good thing is I can technically afford to live here by myself if all else fails.

I know it's not easy to have a situation like that, especially with school, but it might be something to consider if you ever plan on getting a place with a few other people again, to either have enough money saved away to cover a few months without them, or to have a job that pays enough to live there without them.

Depending on roommates wouldn't be fun, I don't think. I don't think I'd want any that I didn't personally know and trust for a long time.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Just saw this.

Jeff thats a great plan and all, but how many students at a major university can do what you said? Im guessing not very many.

Tim, it really sucks. I was basically begging you last month to move in with me. You and I get along pretty good and as far as I can tell, speak the same language. But I had to make a judgement call and make kind of a quick decision. On one hand I could stay here, maybe get a place with you, stay close to family and basically sit and wait for life to happen. Or I could move to Texas with a guy Ive known for 6 years, and yet never met face to face (was a gaming clan buddy that became a long term friend, and have stayed in touch all along).

With what seems to me to be an inevitable divorce coming soon for me, I chose to move forward rather than backward, and at the same time Im sad that Im leaving Corvallis. With Swaq getting his new Turbo, the Spring Mid-Valley Supra meet would have been fun. Im leaving behind a few fellow suprarians that Im going to miss.

But hey man, ya never know where life is gonna take ya. From what Ive heard I think your making the right decision for you as well. Oly is close enough to Seattle that you might want to work your way into that crowd as there are some real good guys up there as well. If it doesnt work out, come be a Texas Longhorn and hang out in Austin with us. Somehow I think there is gonna be some fireworks down that way this year. Lance and I will have to hook up and formalize the 3E5 group.

Oh yeah and...your roommates suck! Just Remember the WeezL creed -

"Fuck em!"


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
i said it once, I'll say it again,
""never room up with your friends""

"thats why I never roomed up with my friends when I was in my teens an twenties "

shit never works out for the best...

dude, just a thought, why dont you get a place with your g/f ? maybe something thats alittle cheeper than a 900 . a month rent... that you both could afford..?

just a thought..

sorry for your bad luck though



That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
That's a bit of an over reaction to go do something like that... Sure, it's a cappy situation... I had it happen THREE times last year, but it doesn't warrant that kind of behaviour at all


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
Thanks pete, we both kinda hit that point in our lives where this shit town of corvallis wasn't going to cut it for us. I'll probably come back next fall and finish up my schooling, but I have absolutely zero want to stay in the willamette valley for any longer than that (minus portland).


Yes, I don't think rooming with my friends was a good idea either. Come to think of it, this was the second time I've done that, and the second time the friendship has been really hurt. And I REALLY don't want to live with my gf. she's a bit insane. Actually one of the benefits of moving is that I have an excuse to break up with her. I could go further into it, but as pete knows, she's fucking insane. *looks over shoulder*

And I dont' have to do anything to make their lives crappy. Dan's miata is totally fucked. His block has a leak somewhere, one piston is 45% leaking, and his tranny is starting to grind. Doug is working 3 jobs, is dating a korean girl who's already been married and divorced, and just turned 19. Mind you he's 23. I don't need to do anything other than just sit back and watch them further fuck things up.

And yes, he paid for the pizza and a pint of black butte porter.