Alright, so I'm putting an electric fan in my 86.5 NA supra. I accidentally broke the stock mechanical fan while swapping the engine and happened across an electric fan while looking for a replacement. So I figured why not. However. The mount doesn't fit my car. So- big deal. I'm going to cut and weld up a mount so that it will fit. And I'll brush it and make it look nice. The only thing that I still have yet to solve is the matter of the placement of the temperature switch. I'm getting a screw-in switch, mainly because I don't trust a sensor to be accurate that isn't touching coolant, and I don't have any extra slots on the thermostat housing on the engine side of the thermostat. I could screw it into the radiator side, but in the case of a stuck thermostat things could get particularly nasty. What I'd like to know is if anyone has ever replaced the pipe/cover that bolts on to hold the thermostat in place with another one that moves the thermostat closer to the radiator (not out towards the front, but to the right farther along the path of the hose)? If anyone has tried this, give me a heads-up. Thanks!