MSG, the slow poisoning of america.

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Never know enough!
Oct 5, 2006
Addison, IL

"MSG - insidious poison, food industry conspiracy

Posted by jeanne on August 6, 2007

What is MSG - Monosodium Glutamate - and why is it bad for you? Proponents will tell you that it’s been used in the Orient for thousands of years (in the form of soy sauce and seaweed); the FDA has it on the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) list with no limit on dosage; you’ll find it in everything from ramen noodle flavor packets to toothpaste. It’s even been approved as a crop spray that will remain on your fruits, vegetables, and coffee beans, never appear on any label, and won’t wash off. So how could anything that ubiquitous be bad for you? Hah. Two tablespoons of MSG on a piece of bread will kill a dog in a matter of minutes.

MSG is a flavor enhancer first developed in the early 1900s, and introduced to the west in 1948. Since then, its use has doubled every ten years, until now, in America, we’re exposed to 300 million pounds of it a year.

How does it enhance flavors? It’s a neurotransmitter. It’s an excitotoxin. It swells the nerve endings in your tongue. And then it crosses the blood-brain barrier to excite neurons in your brain. To swell neurons in your brain. To cause cellular death in neurons in your brain.

In many tests on rats, MSG has caused disturbing, sometimes horrifying abnormalities. These effects include obesity, growth retardation, short stature, diabetes, hormone deficiencies, brain lesions, and more. And rats are less sensitive to MSG than humans are, and their bodies get rid of it faster..."

I found this in about 1 minute of searching, that's how open this information is.

To confirm any of this just click on any of the numerous red links on the site or simply do a search in witch is a national archive for medical research and has anything that have ever been published concerning medicine, quite amazing web site.

And before MSG was introduced into the food supply by KFC back in the 50's glutimite witch is the active ingredient in MSG's (monosodium does not enter the system) #1 consumption was Rat Poison.
Jun 6, 2006
NeatOman;1115452 said:

"MSG - insidious poison, food industry conspiracy

Posted by jeanne on August 6, 2007

What is MSG - Monosodium Glutamate - and why is it bad for you? Proponents will tell you that it’s been used in the Orient for thousands of years (in the form of soy sauce and seaweed); the FDA has it on the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) list with no limit on dosage; you’ll find it in everything from ramen noodle flavor packets to toothpaste. It’s even been approved as a crop spray that will remain on your fruits, vegetables, and coffee beans, never appear on any label, and won’t wash off. So how could anything that ubiquitous be bad for you? Hah. Two tablespoons of MSG on a piece of bread will kill a dog in a matter of minutes.

MSG is a flavor enhancer first developed in the early 1900s, and introduced to the west in 1948. Since then, its use has doubled every ten years, until now, in America, we’re exposed to 300 million pounds of it a year.

How does it enhance flavors? It’s a neurotransmitter. It’s an excitotoxin. It swells the nerve endings in your tongue. And then it crosses the blood-brain barrier to excite neurons in your brain. To swell neurons in your brain. To cause cellular death in neurons in your brain.

In many tests on rats, MSG has caused disturbing, sometimes horrifying abnormalities. These effects include obesity, growth retardation, short stature, diabetes, hormone deficiencies, brain lesions, and more. And rats are less sensitive to MSG than humans are, and their bodies get rid of it faster..."

I found this in about 1 minute of searching, that's how open this information is.

To confirm any of this just click on any of the numerous red links on the site or simply do a search in witch is a national archive for medical research and has anything that have ever been published concerning medicine, quite amazing web site.

And before MSG was introduced into the food supply by KFC back in the 50's glutimite witch is the active ingredient in MSG's (monosodium does not enter the system) #1 consumption was Rat Poison.

So, uh.... why couldn't you have posted this in your OTHER MSG thread?
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