Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
A challenger has appeared in my room.

I was sitting here listening to an old Soviet anthem when I noticed it from the corner of my eye. A mouse...Slowly making its way towards the pasta I had left out from dinner. I didnt move but it knew I was watching it. Both of us locked glazes. We sat there frozen in place for what seemed an eternity, when suddenly it made its move. It broke the stare and moved hastily towards the pasta. Not today mouse. I wrapped a shirt around my hand and diving from my computer chair threw a punch...MISS. Damn its fast. With the Soviet music setting the tone of the battle we engaged in a frantic game of what felt like a poormans version of wack a mole. Diving into my clothes hamper it found a temporary refuge against my assault. I flipped the basket and started throwing clothes around. Nothing?! It cant be I saw it run in there and nothings come out. Where did it go? I opened the door and there it was running into the kitchen. I followed suite and tore through the kitchen cupboards as it fled in fear. At the last cupboard I was sure victory was mine! But just as I begun to open the final drawer it jumped out and ran, I have since lost track of it. Farewell for now my adversary...

I have yet to see it again, but I feel someday we shall once again cross paths and finish the battle started on this summers night.


XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california know what you shoulda done, which is what i do, kinda inhumane but who cares right? anyways, i let it eat, then i leave more things for it to come back, and when it does i get my pellet gun and pop his ass in the head, i got one once on my brothers shelf, it was hiding, then i got the gun that shit flew backwards, i thought to myself "damn im good."

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
This is no ordinary mouse. I set two mouse traps last night with peanut butter and dorito crumbs. When I woke up this morning they were picked clean.

I have a .22 caliber pellet gun I could get it with but thatd be no fun. Its lucky Im not redneck enough to shoot it with my 4-10 in the house.


Need Rust Repair
Aug 24, 2005
Bryan, OH /Lima, OH
im betting when he does show back up it will be when you least expect it. So with that in mind always be watching, he will come back sooner or later.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
What you need to do is take the setting arm on the mouse trap, and bend the tip slightly outwards. When you set it across the "cheese", how it rests under the small tab, the fact that it is now bent makes it take up less of the area under that tab. one small touch of the "cheese" and it goes off.

Don't make it too sensitive, they'll go off with slight movement.

Also, good luck setting it down and arming it.
what i've found that works is to arm it, then set it down carefully. it may take 2 or 3 tries, but it'll stay.

I had a pesky mouse in the garage about a year ago. Set up 3 traps along the wall.
Didn't he run across one of them and then slingshot himself across the other two....
I go out in the morning just to see this tangled ball of mouse traps and a single mouse. one got his head, one got his ass, and one grabbed like a shoulder....


So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
i've caught many a mouse with glue traps and peanuts/crackers. i too chased one around the house, it found refuge in the storage room...

i fuckin hate mice. -_-


Formerly Got Boost?
Apr 3, 2005
Houston, Tx
Brewster said:
i've caught many a mouse with glue traps and peanuts/crackers. i too chased one around the house, it found refuge in the storage room...

i fuckin hate mice. -_-

werd. Glue traps FTW.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Peanut butter FTW on standard traps, but when it comes right down to it, just poison the shit of out 'em! A bunch of years ago when I moved into a place in the country that had a couple of mice already living there that I couldn't kill with traps of any kind. Some poison and a week later I was good to go, and never had another problem. Or better yet...

I don't get worked up about much, but there is something seriously disgusting about mice/rats that get under my skin and I will go out of my way to kill one, so... When I was in college we found one behind the house one day, and I chased it half way across the yard before cutting it in half with a shovel. That'll work every time if you can catch 'em.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
I just got home from the beach about a half hour ago. First thing I did was check the mouse traps. The outcome...Me = 1 Mouse = 0.

On a side note: Mice prefer Ragu pasta sauce over peanut butter. Weird.


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
there is a mouse in my house as well..., it was 2am and im taking a piss and out of no where a mouse runs from behind the makes a break for the door but it cant get under, frantically it starts bouncing around in the air and jumping at the door, i was staring at it like wtf?? i finished taking a piss and grabbed the trashcan to catch it but it made a run for it underneath the sink and back to its hiding spot behind the toilet, i then thought my dogs.. they will catch it so i go into my room and try to wake up my dog and hes sleeping like a log, i drag his ass to the bathroom to get it and as soon as i open the door the mouse runs out, my dogs chase it around until it hides under the dresser, i move the dresser and it runs into the kitchen, my dog continues to chase it but ends up sliding into the table on the tile floors thats when mouse made refuge under the was getting late and the mouse was pissing me off as well as my dogs so i let it go and i have not seen the mouse since, the mouse traps are out but the mouse seems smarter then it appears and has licked all the peanutbutter off.

Edit: I just realized that you caught your mouse, and sorry for stealing the thread as well.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California


I delivered


Edit: I just noticed the mouse managed to eat all of the pasta from the trap. I wonder if it didnt die instantly and just kinda chilled for awhile and ate the rest since it couldnt move.

Hope you have the same luck as me zachm.