I am planning or purchasing a regulus front vented nose from ebay and wanted to ask those who already have a replica of the regulus nose if anything needed to be modified. i ask this b/c when i asked this to the seller, he replied
"This part will bolt straight into the factory holes but you will have to modify the USDM radiator core support to allow the vents to flow through. Or you can use the JDM core support and it should bolt straight up. Please le me know if you have any more questions." and i was wondering if this was in fact true and if so how i go about it. I was planning to do this myself but im not sure if i still can. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
"This part will bolt straight into the factory holes but you will have to modify the USDM radiator core support to allow the vents to flow through. Or you can use the JDM core support and it should bolt straight up. Please le me know if you have any more questions." and i was wondering if this was in fact true and if so how i go about it. I was planning to do this myself but im not sure if i still can. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks