more 1jz questions


New Member
Jun 7, 2010
ok i know this is dumb but where is the igniter on a 1jz anf does any 1 know if the make a bastard joint that would allow me to use my r154 tranny yoke on my w58 driveshaft and if there is no such thing where can i get a cheap driveshaft? i might just end up going with and aluminum 1 pice but not sure yet. and where could i get an upper timing belt cover? oh and im looking for a dipstick tube also. and whats the price on a factory style replacement clutch for the 1jz?


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
1. Drive shaft: Get a R154 DS if that is the trans you have do not Frankenstein it with a W58. If its stock or aluminum balance is everything
2. Clutch Kit: elmhurst toyota ebay all sell stock clutches. I would guestimate 250/3 for a stock and 500+ for a performance clutch.
3. Dip Stick Tube - Check FS sections - I am not sure if a 2jzgte or ge tube would work. I don't see why not, i have my 1j tube and dipstick on my 2jzge block w/ a custom bracket as its a bit short in height. 2jzgte or ge tube might be too long i don't know tho.
4. Timing belt cover - Check FS Sections


New Member
Mar 4, 2010
Tucson, az
you can't take the u-joint out of the r154 that is jdm... well i couldn't with the r154 yoke that came with my 1jz... it seems to be pressed in and motched so it would be a permanent joint... best bet is a r154 turbo driveshaft this is a direct bolt on... i noticed that usdm R154 driveshaft have u-joints that are replaceable held in with clips... also just if anyone is curious any mk3 with an auto trany has the same yoke as the r154... in other words the spline count is the same an auto drive shaft would slide in to a R154 without a problem, only difference is length.

if you have the option to 1 piece it... DO IT!!!


New Member
Jun 7, 2010
mine had the edges like bent over but i just beat it out with my bfh and saw that my na driveshaft even ha bigger u joints hahaha i was likw wtf, well i got my wiring done and now all ineed to do is take care of the rest of it