more 1j questions


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Jul 16, 2006
ive got a website that im looking at that sells 1jz supra front clips for 1700$:evil2: its called (anyone ever deal with them?)
i have a NA motor and i was thinking of going turbo eventually(.5 NA-T) but i have always had it in my mind that maybe i should just swap the motor. if i go with a 7mgte chances are that it has more miles than the 1j clip(where i know exact mialage) and i would always have the parts to go RHD when wanted. i need a few things resolved in my head before i decide what to go with (down the road when i have the cash)

does the harness just plug in or do you need to hack it?
does the harness need to be from the saem year range like the 7m?
will the stock 1j computer work for a low mod setup?
will the downpipe line up with a 3" exhaust for a 7mgte?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Go to ..........they have a phone number on their site where you can reach them. You can also pm BigAaron on here. He owns driftmotion. I think he owns it with another member on here. I think Soapra is the other owner, but I'm not positive about that.

If I was going to get a 1jz clip, that's definately who I would call.


The Big Unit
Apr 6, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Mkay I'll give it a shot..

You have to extend the Harness a couple of feet... LOTS AND LOTS OF Soldering and taping ahead of you... This is the single most difficult part of this swap.

Same year range is Ideal, but whether it is necessary or not I do not know for sure... Mine was the same range..

The stock 1j computer/injectors are set to handle up to 400hp I'm quite sure.. But I guess it really depends on what specific "mods" you have, but more than likely it will be fine..

And no the downpipe isnt the same as in a USDM motor.. So, you need another one.