i just wanted to say that i have my site up and supra owners are more than welcome to put pics on there for the forums... its on the main page on the left and it will give u a link to share with everyone, with no need to register
im also going to mirror the online tsrm by cygnus, if thats okay with him... i forgot his username though... other than that im just going to put stuff about my car and what i plan on doing with it.. its a work in progress
also what is better font for my header? i want to match better to the supra font
im also going to mirror the online tsrm by cygnus, if thats okay with him... i forgot his username though... other than that im just going to put stuff about my car and what i plan on doing with it.. its a work in progress
also what is better font for my header? i want to match better to the supra font