Miles Per Gallon Gauge


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
It is simple and free. Fill up the tank to the first click, do not top it off. Reset your trip. Drive around on that tank for a while, and fill up to the first click, do not top it off. Devide miles by the amount of gas you put in.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
foreverpsycotic;1049788 said:
It is simple and free. Fill up the tank to the first click, do not top it off. Reset your trip. Drive around on that tank for a while, and fill up to the first click, do not top it off. Devide miles by the amount of gas you put in.

I've been doing that since before you were born.:icon_razz

I like to see the numbers in front of me instantly and constantly, especially while doing a lot of highway driving. I set the cruise according to the best mpg it shows.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
foreverpsycotic;1049788 said:
It is simple and free. Fill up the tank to the first click, do not top it off. Reset your trip. Drive around on that tank for a while, and fill up to the first click, do not top it off. Devide miles by the amount of gas you put in.

And keep your foot out of it!

Or you can spend that upgraded intercooler on this thing you have found. That is just about the same price as a driftmotion spearco replica


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
gtsfirefighter;1049789 said:
I've been doing that since before you were born.:icon_razz.

Damn, your older than 37 (my age + 16)? You are old.:icon_razz

So 21+ years later, it still works well huh. If it aint broke... ahh who the fuck am I kidding.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
foreverpsycotic;1049795 said:
Damn, your older than 37 (my age + 16)? You are old.:icon_razz

So 21+ years later, it still works well huh. If it aint broke... ahh who the fuck am I kidding.

:thefinger The guy who posted above is a few years older than me!

I think you're missing my point with this though. The reason I'm interested in it is so I can continuously keep tabs on my mileage while driving. Say my truck is getting only 16 mpg going down the highway. I look up and see that and decide to slow it down some so I can get 20 mpg. If I didn't have that little reminder while driving, I might (most likely) not think about it and continue on with crappy mileage. I think having the numbers in front of me at all times while driving will help me with my habits. Like I said before, the supe and my wifes SUV has it and I watch them constantly. My supra is currently reading an avg mpg of 20.9 mpg. It's like a game.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
gtsfirefighter;1049805 said:
:thefinger The guy who posted above is a few years older than me!

I think you're missing my point with this though. The reason I'm interested in it is so I can continuously keep tabs on my mileage while driving. Say my truck is getting only 16 mpg going down the highway. I look up and see that and decide to slow it down some so I can get 20 mpg. If I didn't have that little reminder while driving, I might (most likely) not think about it and continue on with crappy mileage. I think having the numbers in front of me at all times while driving will help me with my habits. Like I said before, the supe and my wifes SUV has it and I watch them constantly. My supra is currently reading an avg mpg of 20.9 mpg. It's like a game.

I honestly did not notice that those things helped at all. My parents old jeep had one of them, and it did not seem to phase either of them, or me when we drove it, maybe it was the fact that there are quite a few hills and turns between my job, house and school and my milage was already shot by them.


Supramania Contributor
I see your point gtsfirefighter. I remember reading a article that showed that drivers with the instant mpg readouts on their cars had better fuel efficiency or should we say "green driving habits"
This guy at work has a bmw with the instant mpg readout. Draft behind a truck and bamm! instant free miles. The mpg guage cluster on his bmw proves it. Stomp on the gas or brake at the red light at the last second and the little needle reads zero (looser).