Me in a hurry + Stanza = a laugh (story inside)


New Member
May 6, 2006
Bellingham, WA
I have 2 funny things that happened in the same day, about 1 hour apart-
So here I was a couple days ago, making a run into Costco, when I see a yellow MK2 MR2 behind me (for those of you who don't know, my daily driver is a MK1 MR2) this guy follows me into the parking lot. I park and figure he wants to meet another 'two owner. He swings wide to back in, the first try failed, as to having his back wheel on one side of the white line and the front wheel on the other side. Needless to say he tried again, moved forward, got straight came back and while I was looking down I hear "Crack*. I look up in time to watch him hop out and say to another guy standing there "Did I just hit your truck?" - "Uh, YEAH" - "Is there any damage?" - "No, it looks fine" - "Sorry about that" By this point I'm out of my car and laughing to myself, started walking to the store. Turns out my friends know this car, his parents bought him the car and he's still in high school. :biglaugh: :nono:

Part two:
On my drive back from town to my appartment, I was running very late and speeding down a country road. (Don't try this at home kids!) Doing 70MPH in a 50 when a Stanza pulls out in front of me and I have to hit the breaks a fair amount. Since there is on-coming cars I can't pass and I end up close to their butt. I see inside there are 3 over weight high school kids, they see me coming up fast and put the pedal to the metal. At the same time its clear to pass, throw it in third and I start to see them taking off. So i decide to let off alittle bit to pace them. We hit 80MPH and that is more then fast enough for my needs, so I back off about 4-5 car lenths, right then *BOOM!* I think their engine just blew because there is blue smoke, I start to see parts of something coming off on the right-front of the car... "ITS THE TIRE!" :aigo: I think, sure enough, it blew out going 75-80MPH started coming off the rim, sparks & smoke started going everywhere. I gave them room to slow down and get off the road, I saw that everyone was fine and I kept on my merry little way.

Just wanted to share my interesting day.

Any others who want to share?