massive power loss


New Member
ok new problem, am having massive power loss at 4k and it picks back up at 5500k what could cause this. I am about to unplug the ACIS, my car is much faster with out the system running, please help. I just hooked it up today. Lowend is great, but thats about it.


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
powell river bc
either the flap isnt closing all the way, due to pcv/carbon buildup, or the VSV that controls it isnt working/broken. if you take off the 6 screws and the top plate, you can look right in at flap.


New Member
ok, I tried something new with the ACIS lastnight. I hooked the vac line up to where the AGR would go on the top of the throttle bodie. The flap opens uder hard acceleration and levels out higher in the rpm range. I have noticed a considerable power increase low end and high end> I am not sure if this is good for the acis system but the car is much more responsive> could the set up be sapporting the mods i have done to the engine??