Manual vs. Auto Radiators: Difference?


Enjoyin' mah ride...
Aug 24, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Ok. I am in need of a radiator swap now because a mech pointed out that my welds on the old factory rad were weeping pretty bad, which is why I've been going through coolant every week. I'm getting a Mishimoto Aluminum radiator from Sethron in a few weeks, but I BELIEVE the Mishi rads are only for the manual Supras. Somewhere on here I seem to remember the differences in rads being the tranny cooler, like the manual rads don't come with one. If that's the case, then all I'd need is to buy a good auto tranny cooler and install that in front of the new one. Is this accurate, or are there other differences to consider? Hoses should all be the same for both, and no differences in rad caps and such.