Ok I have some basic knowledge of the maft pro not so much the aem standalone ecu.my delima is I am really wanting my car to be fine tuned, I am just unsure the major perks of going standalone to with the maft pro. Financially it is not the issue but rather the serious added bonus of going that rout. I have intentions of going one way or the other this weekend. Another think I am curious about is tuning. It is better left to a experienced tuner with the standalone correct. Were as you can self teach little by little on a maft. I am all for learning the details but to have it dyno tuned to the sweetspot would seem benificial to me. I have a few more questions reguarding this but will save them for pm or some type ofchat as not to clutter and ask too many questions at once.
Thanks for any advice.
Thanks for any advice.