It's anyone running the maft-pro with SD and open loop setup A pretty common problem running this set up is having the code 21 which throws everything out of whack
The way I have the maft set up. the car runs beautiful on the initial start up ( when cold ). After the car gets up to temperature and I shut it off when I go and restart it runs like shit. I have search everywhere the web on forums
Lots of people had or have this problem
But no one is posting the way to resolve it or how the fixed it. Please help lol
The way I have the maft set up. the car runs beautiful on the initial start up ( when cold ). After the car gets up to temperature and I shut it off when I go and restart it runs like shit. I have search everywhere the web on forums
Lots of people had or have this problem
But no one is posting the way to resolve it or how the fixed it. Please help lol