MAFT Pro Initial Adjustment Question


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
When a MAFT pro is installed for the first time running speed density, and all the initial parameters have been set does it need anything else to run correctly?

For an example, when I installed my VPC I turned the car on, adjusted the idle knob and went, it ran great.

After the correct parameters for the MAFT pro are setup, and the wiring is finished, what will need to be done, if anything?

One other thing. I remember reading a while back that all the abbreviations where going to be eliminated and replaced by the full word. Ex. Fin, Fout, etc. Did that happen yet or not?


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
i dont know about the fin or out question there.

but, when you set of the config, for 3L 6 cylinder, and to use map, along with temp for speed density, there's a few other things needed in the setup aswell, but once past that, all the fuel can be left at 0 (?no change) from what i under stand, and 1.0% is adding fuel, -1.0% obvious.

but the car should run and idle, great at this point if every thing is hooked up correctly.

hope it works out!


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
the motor city
Justin said:
When a MAFT pro is installed for the first time running speed density, and all the initial parameters have been set does it need anything else to run correctly?

For an example, when I installed my VPC I turned the car on, adjusted the idle knob and went, it ran great.

After the correct parameters for the MAFT pro are setup, and the wiring is finished, what will need to be done, if anything?.

depends on the car/setup. you may have to mess w/some of the MAP/TPS enrichment settings to get throttle tip in exactly correct.

Justin said:
One other thing. I remember reading a while back that all the abbreviations where going to be eliminated and replaced by the full word. Ex. Fin, Fout, etc. Did that happen yet or not?

some of that has changed in 4.80.