
New Member
May 15, 2012
Alright - I've done a ton of reading and research prior to posting this; I must be missing something. From all of the other *.bin files I've used for comparison, none of those setups even come close to making my car idle good, let alone hit a/f target.

I am looking for some help through the process of getting this car up and functioning properly. I have the car idling great at 14.7 using the PTT idle settings, mainscale, and afterstart enrichment. Light loading(cruise) is good (maybe a little rich), but when I attempt to get into any boost, she freaks out and hits fuel cut.

Here's my setup:
3" TBE
440cc inj
stock o2 unplugged
using maft pro to control boost,
AEM wideband connected to Maft
running speed density (GM CIAT, GM 2bar map, not boosting over 14.7, stock ct26)

If anyone is located in S/E MI, I'll proved beer to whomever wants to show me what the heck I'm doing wrong.

Also, I'm new to all this, so, please let me know what you need as far as driving conditions for me to log.



New Member
May 15, 2012

SCALAR: Vehicle Select 00
SCALAR: Number of Cylinders 6
SCALAR: Displacement 2.96 Liter
SCALAR: Airflow Source 0x00 Select
SCALAR: Manifold pressure source 03
SCALAR: Load Source 0x00
SCALAR: Barometer Comp Mode 01
SCALAR: Frequency Out Mode 0x04
SCALAR: V Out1 Mode 0 Select
SCALAR: V Out2 Mode 0 Select
SCALAR: AFR Source 3 Select
SCALAR: Freq In Mode 0
SCALAR: Aux 1 mode 00
SCALAR: Flow Error Mode 1.00
SCALAR: Main Scale 20.00
SCALAR: Volts Out 1 Max 0.00 limit
SCALAR: Volts Out 2 Max 0.00 volts
SCALAR: Afterstart enrichment 18.00
SCALAR: Tune Load Point, Low 36.40
SCALAR: Tune Load Point, Mid 100.10
SCALAR: Tune Load Point, High 143.00
SCALAR: Freq Out Max 0
SCALAR: Timing Monitor, Base Adjust 0.00
SCALAR: Timing Monitor, Correction 1.27
SCALAR: IAT Airflow 0.00
SCALAR: FE Smoothing 00
SCALAR: Spark Base 0.00
SCALAR: Boost control TPS Spool 2.50
SCALAR: Boost control RPM Spool 2400 RPM
SCALAR: Boost control TPS Start 3.70 Volts
SCALAR: Boost control PSI Start 5.00 PSI
SCALAR: Boost control DC% Start 10.00 Percent
SCALAR: Boost control PSI Set 10.00 PSI
SCALAR: Boost control PSI Aux 10.00 PSI
SCALAR: Boost Control Gain 4.00
SCALAR: Boost Control DC% Start Aux 10.00 Percent
SCALAR: Boost Control Max RPM 0.00
SCALAR: AFR Min Load 166.50
SCALAR: AFR correction lean limit 10.00
SCALAR: AFR correction rich limit 10.00
SCALAR: AFR correction gain 4.00
SCALAR: AFR Aux % 0.00
SCALAR: AFR Tracking, Enable delay 0.00 Seconds

SCALAR: TPS Enrichment 0.40
SCALAR: TPS Decay 0.60
SCALAR: Throttle Body Size 7
SCALAR: TPS MAP Max 104.06
SCALAR: MAP Enrichment 0.10
SCALAR: Boost Enrichment 0.10
SCALAR: MAP TPS Min 0.80 Volts
SCALAR: MAP RPM Min 2560.00
SCALAR: MAF Limit TPS Threshold 0.00 Volts
SCALAR: MAF Limit 0.00
SCALAR: MAF Limit / KRPM 0.00 Grams/Sec
SCALAR: MAF Limit RPM Min 0.00 RPM
SCALAR: MAF Limit Time 0.00 seconds
SCALAR: OffIdle Enrichment % 0.00 %
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Idle TPS 0.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Idle RPM 640.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Idle A/F Ratio 13.50
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Cruise TPS 0.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Cruise RPM 2560.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Cruise Load 91.05
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Cruise A/F Ratio 14.50
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Lean Load 130.08
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Lean Delay 15.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Lean A/F Ratio 16.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Gain 11.50
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Startup Delay 0.00 Percent
SCALAR: Enhanced TPS RPM threshold 8160.00
SCALAR: Enhanced TPS Load Threshold 331.50 KPA
SCALAR: Enhanced TPS Gain 0.0 KPA

Using VE table #2
AF User Tune Hi , Mid and lo are all zero
Aux Triggered tune are all zero
Air Temp Correction all zero


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Why is your mainscale set to 20 on factory injectors?
What firmware version are you on?
What DTC codes are displayed?
Boost ctrl TPS start is set to 3.7V? Does your tps even get to 3.7V?


New Member
May 15, 2012
Why is your mainscale set to 20 on factory injectors?
Thats the only thing that will help my car idle near stoich using the default values in VE Table #2

What firmware version are you on?

What DTC codes are displayed?
I did have a 34, did a boost leak test came back negative. Only thing I can think is getting into boost before the tune was ready for it.

Boost ctrl TPS start is set to 3.7V? Does your tps even get to 3.7V?
I moved that up to 3.7 just to run wastegate pressure for the time being. Didn't want this 'ol girl to lean out in a boost spike.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Ok, cool.
As for setting mainscale to 20, makes no sense to me It tells the ecu that more air is flowing into the motor(higher frequency, closer to fuel cut point), and to step up fuel flow. When you install larger injectors, you do the opposite, and tell the car that less air is flow, so that it injects less fuel. This is why I would expect your car to hit fuel cut sooner, rather than later in your case.

What is your base fuel pressure set to? What fuel pump is in there?
Then see how it's running.


New Member
May 15, 2012
Currently the stock fuel pump is in use. I tinkered around with it for a while on friday, and got it running pretty darn good, with the mainscale at 0. I'll post up my latest *.bin this evening. I still have to tune WOT, but cruise and idle are great.


New Member
May 15, 2012
latest *.bin file attached with *.xdf and *.adx. I think my biggest issue I was having is trying to tune the car while it was 40 degrees out. I did the resistor mod in my MaftPro install telling the stock ECM that it was 70ish. Tuned the car when it was 68 degrees out and stuff actually made sense.

TABLE: AFR Tracking

2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
A/F Ratio 12.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50

SCALAR: Vehicle Select 00
SCALAR: Number of Cylinders 6
SCALAR: Displacement 2.96 Liter
SCALAR: Airflow Source 0x00 Select
SCALAR: Manifold pressure source 03
SCALAR: Load Source 0x00
SCALAR: Barometer Comp Mode 01
SCALAR: Frequency Out Mode 0x04
SCALAR: V Out1 Mode 0 Select
SCALAR: V Out2 Mode 0 Select
SCALAR: AFR Source 3 Select
SCALAR: Freq In Mode 0
SCALAR: Aux 1 mode 00
SCALAR: Main Scale 0.00
SCALAR: Volts Out 1 Limit 0.00 volts
SCALAR: Volts Out 2 Limit 0.00 volts
SCALAR: Afterstart enrichment 10.00
SCALAR: Tune Load Point, Low 36.40
SCALAR: Tune Load Point, Mid 100.10
SCALAR: Tune Load Point, High 143.00
SCALAR: Freq Out Max 0
SCALAR: Timing Monitor, Base Adjust -10.00
SCALAR: Timing Monitor, Correction 1.27
SCALAR: FE Smoothing 30
SCALAR: Boost control TPS Spool 1.00
SCALAR: Boost control RPM Spool 992 RPM
SCALAR: Boost control TPS Start 2.00 Volts
SCALAR: Boost control PSI Start 6.00 PSI
SCALAR: Boost control DC% Start 65.20 Percent
SCALAR: Boost control PSI Set 10.00 PSI
SCALAR: Boost control PSI Aux 11.00 PSI
SCALAR: Boost Control Gain 10.00
SCALAR: Boost Control DC% Start Aux 0.00 Percent
SCALAR: Boost Control Max RPM 7488.00
SCALAR: AFR Min Load 40.32
SCALAR: AFR correction lean limit 2.00
SCALAR: AFR correction rich limit 6.40
SCALAR: AFR correction gain 10.00
SCALAR: AFR Aux % 0.00
SCALAR: AFR Tracking, Enable delay 0.00 Seconds
TABLE: VE table

00 400 800 1200 1600 2200 2800 3400 4000 4600 5200 5800 6400 7000 7600
320 78.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
300 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
280 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
260 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
240 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
220 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
200 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
180 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
160 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
140 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
120 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
100 77.0 80.5 83.5 87.0 90.0 93.5 93.5 92.5 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
80 70.0 80.0 80.0 82.0 83.5 85.5 85.0 83.0 82.0 79.0 78.0 77.0 77.0 77.0 77.0
60 63.0 66.0 68.0 70.0 73.0 77.0 78.0 77.0 73.0 70.5 69.5 68.0 67.0 66.0 66.0
40 54.0 56.0 56.0 62.0 63.0 70.0 73.0 73.0 69.0 66.0 64.0 63.0 62.0 61.0 61.0
20 45.0 50.5 50.0 50.5 54.0 61.5 63.5 63.5 62.5 59.0 58.5 56.5 56.0 55.5 55.0
00 43.0 43.0 44.0 47.0 48.0 49.5 51.5 51.0 46.0 44.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0

TABLE: AF User Tune Hi

400 800 1200 1600 2200 2800 3400 4000 4600 5200 5800 6400 7000 7600
Percent 0.0 0.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5

TABLE: AF UserTune Mid

400 800 1200 1600 2200 2800 3400 4000 4600 5200 5800 6400 7000 7600
Percent 0.0 0.0 14.5 18.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0

TABLE: AF User Tune Lo

400 800 1200 1600 2200 2800 3400 4000 4600 5200 5800 6400 7000 7600
Percent 25.0 25.0 15.0 10.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

TABLE: Aux Triggered tune

400 800 1200 1600 2200 2800 3400 4000 4600 5200 5800 6400 7000 7600
Percent 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

SCALAR: TPS Enrichment 0.50
SCALAR: TPS Decay 0.80
SCALAR: Throttle Body Size 7
SCALAR: TPS MAP Max 230.24
SCALAR: MAP Enrichment 0.30
SCALAR: Boost Enrichment 0.30
SCALAR: MAP TPS Min 0.50 Volts
SCALAR: MAP RPM Min 640.00
SCALAR: MAF Limit TPS Threshold 0.00 Volts
SCALAR: MAF Limit 0.00
SCALAR: MAF Limit / KRPM 0.00 Grams/Sec
SCALAR: MAF Limit RPM Min 736.00 RPM
SCALAR: MAF Limit Time 0.30 seconds
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Idle TPS 0.54
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Idle RPM 800.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Idle A/F Ratio 14.70
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Cruise TPS 0.74
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Cruise RPM 2944.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Cruise Load 39.02
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Cruise A/F Ratio 13.50
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Lean Load 22.11
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Lean Delay 0.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Lean A/F Ratio 14.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Gain 15.00
SCALAR: Part Throttle Tracking Startup Delay 0.00 Percent
SCALAR: Enhanced TPS RPM threshold 2720.00
SCALAR: Enhanced TPS Load Threshold 106.67 KPA
TABLE: Air Temp Correction

-40.00 13.00 41.00 62.00 82.00 103.00 129.00 173.00 315.00
Pecent 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000
Degrees 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

TABLE: Spark Aux

2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000
Degrees 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

FUNCTION: Custom Voltage MAF

Index Volts Grams/Sec

40 0.12 0.52
39 0.16 0.53
38 0.31 1.28
37 0.47 1.59
36 0.63 4.52
35 0.78 7.52
34 0.94 10.05
33 1.09 14.66
32 1.25 21.50
31 1.41 27.75
30 1.56 38.50
29 1.72 49.25
28 1.88 64.86
27 2.03 83.35
26 2.19 101.50
25 2.34 118.05
24 2.50 142.06
23 2.66 171.46
22 2.81 210.32
21 2.97 242.60
20 3.13 288.50
19 3.28 345.69
18 3.44 402.54
17 3.59 461.57
16 3.75 526.49
15 3.91 597.59
14 4.06 675.21
13 4.22 759.71
12 4.38 851.43
11 4.38 851.43
10 4.38 851.43
9 4.38 851.43
8 4.38 851.43
7 4.38 851.43
6 4.38 851.43
5 4.38 851.43
4 4.38 851.43
3 4.38 851.43
2 4.38 851.43
1 4.38 851.43

TABLE: VE Table MAP axis



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(null) 0.00 400.00 800.00 1200.00 1600.00 2200.00 2800.00 3400.00 4000.00 4600.00 5200.00 5800.00 6400.00 7000.00 7600.00

View attachment


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
Any updates on this, I have pretty much the same problem. my car wont even run unless I richen up the mixture for idle ALOT. I noticed you had to do the same. I dont have a problem doing that but it doesnt seem right. It seems like something is wrong.

My specs.
87 mk3 running maftpro in speed density.
60-1 ct-26
550cc injectors
big intercooler with hard pipes

any thoughts on why we are having to richen up the low load tune so much to get it to idle?