Tonight I was coming back from picking up two 1/2lb bacon cheddar double melts from Wendy's (mmm, now that is a tasty burger! *SamJacksonvoice). I usually take the hwy south back through downtown Corvallis, and then head west on hwy20. Anyway, as Im coming to the last light at the end of downtown Corvallis, I notice this slammed Civic with an unpainted body kit hit the center lane (coming up on my left). I just knew right off he was gonna hit it at the green, so I timed the light so I would still be rolling when it changed. Sure enough he punches it and quickly is out a car length before I spooled. However as soon as I spooled and hit about 4K both rear tires light up and I begin to 'tail twitch. I left my foot in it, and by the time I hit second gear the civic is behind me and fading. I shut it down and hit my brakes to bring it back down to a reasonable speed and the civic (still on it for some reason) goes flying by me. I just Laughed to myself, hit the on ramp and peeled right.
Lucy's record 1-1
Lucy's record 1-1