So I got my car running a while back and then it died the same day. I tried all sorts of things from changing the resistor pack because I thought it was fuel.
Well I gave up and took it to the mechanic. He says the engine loses compression. He put oil on the pistons and the compression will comeback up but it dies again and loses the compression again.
Do you guys have any ideas what it is? Oh yeah I almost forgot... My car is a Honda Civic 2001 Turbo! HAHAHAH JK APRIL FOOLS...
Its a 1989 Supra Turbo (7MGTE)
Sorry guys,
I'm usually pretty good searching for my answers but I'm desperate here.
Well I gave up and took it to the mechanic. He says the engine loses compression. He put oil on the pistons and the compression will comeback up but it dies again and loses the compression again.
Do you guys have any ideas what it is? Oh yeah I almost forgot... My car is a Honda Civic 2001 Turbo! HAHAHAH JK APRIL FOOLS...
Its a 1989 Supra Turbo (7MGTE)
Sorry guys,
I'm usually pretty good searching for my answers but I'm desperate here.