Cf is a really strange beast, most of the durability and strength comes from how its done. You can get cheep cf which is really nothing more then resin with a few layers of cf and its not going to be strong at all, then you can get full cf either vacuum infused or auto calved or both and it will be really strong. Resin is brittle and cf is strong. Think of an F1 car the control arms/trac arms are cf and so is the body, that is one of the strongest setups you can get, but that is also unidirectional cf and its vacuum infused in an auto clave. But some food for though, I am working on a lip for my wifes car and I am going to put it on a spring loaded system that will let it move back and up if it gets hit on say a speed bump, if it works out I will let everyone know. If you have seen it think of a vette lip newer ones are on springs to move them away from impacts.