Used to have some parking ones with really nasty adheasive, and they were segmented, so you could not cleanly remove them. (Like a security tag.) They were also multi layered, so the top would peel off in segments, and the backing and adheasive would stay put.
IIRC, was worded something like this.
"Just wanted to advise you that parking here is ILLEGAL, and if you continue to park here in the future, you will be towed at your expense."
Other version was "Congratulations! You need to learn how to park. Here are a few tips. 1) Position your car in the middle of your spot. Not in the middle of the line. 2)Try pulling your head out of your ass so you can park? Just a suggestion.")
The second one we had done up to use anywhere, but the first ones were used in the apartment parking areas I lived in for many years.
They were bright Orange, and when applied, were a real PITA to remove. (Especially the longer they left them on the cars, and out in sunlight. A day in the sun would make removing them a razorblade event for sure.)
Placement is key here too. Right in vision areas. Like the drivers window, about where your head goes. (Can't see to make a left turn anymore.) or right infront of the driver's sight line on the winshield was another good place.
The amazing thing was how many repeat offenders would be graced with two, three and sometimes even 4 stickers, placed in various locations on the glass.